The 100 Wiki
The 100 Wiki

So I noticed, while talking to a friend, that The 100 has a lot of the same ideas as The Hunger Games series and I wonder if these are a trend or if it shows how one was inspired from another. Some of the parallels I noticed were:

12 clans VS 12 districts: 

Both series use 12 of something to discribe the make-up of their culture or territories. In The 100, this is shown with clans while in THG this is shown through districts.

The Capital VS Mount Weather:

Both are run by a president that use the people of the 12 clans as a means of bettering the people living in MT Weather. The Capitalists forced the people in the districts to play in the hunger games while the people in Mt. Weather experimented on Grounders and used them to try to make their people immune to the radiation.

District 13 VS The Ark

I could argue that the Ark could also be under the Capital as they are all genetically superior and offten think of themselves as being better then the grounders. But the Ark and District 13 were hidden and used to benefit the Capital/Mt.Weather players. (District 13 was used to intill fear in the other districts while the Ark was used to help MW immune their people to radiation.

Clan Leaders VS Victors

We only really see this through Clarke and Lexa, both share some of the traits the Victors had when they left the areana, these include PTSD, acting like someone they are not, and having to make hard decisions that effect the people they are close to.

Lexa VS Johanna Backstories

Both seemingly betrayed their respective partners (Katniss and Clarke) for the good of their own people. Lexa's betrayal was to save her people while Johanna's was to keep the Capital from captureing Katniss. Both were viewed as villians by their respective partners and both have lost everyone they ever loved. Johanna lost everyone after refusing to be a prostitute for the capital while Lexa lost everyone through different means (Costia, Anya, Gustus)

Lexa injured in the Pauna attack VS Peeta leg injury

Both healed by respected partner, both became love interest after their injury scene.

Ice Queen VS President Snow

The names in general, both are litterally ice and snow.

The Beast VS Pauna

Giant Gorillas

Clarke VS Katniss Weapons

Both use long ranged weapons

I'm sure there are others but that's all I can think about right now. Leave others in the comments and tell me what you think!
