The Dying of the Light is the fifteenth episode of the seventh season of The 100. It is the ninety-ninth episode of the series overall.
CLOSING IN - Clarke and Octavia mount a desperate rescue mission as the Disciples close in on what they want.
The explosion has resulted in the hallway collapsing in on itself. Cement and rubble continues to trickle down. Murphy shakes the dust off himself, catching his breath, using the rubble to help himself up. He realizes Emori was caught in the middle of the explosion. He calls out for her and runs to her rescue, only to see rubble covering the space where she once stood and a high pitched ringing overtaking him. Distorted, Raven calls out for Murphy, asking if he is okay. He shouts he can't find Emori. Raven appears with Jackson, asking where she was when the explosion occurred. An agitated Murphy says she was in front of him. Jackson expresses concern for him as he may be concussed. He asks how many fingers he is holding up, but Murphy swats his hand away as he is not the top priority. Raven says if Emori was with him, she won't be far. As they're talking, Emori coughs. Murphy frantically follows the sound and yells at her to say something. She jokingly says "something", and find her buried under mounts of rubble. Murphy is relieved, but stops dead in his tracks when he sees a metal rod lodged in her right lower quadrant. To cope, Emori says it's just a scratch.
Back in the fighting pits, Miller pries the door open to get to Jackson, only to find the hallway blocked by rubble, leaving the group with no way out. The group is in disbelief, but Clarke says they can still get to Madi with the nano-tags. She goes to take it, but Gaia stops and tells her they have to think it through. Octavia agrees, but she says the second pill is only for her because they will need an inside man. Clarke agrees and hands her the second pill. They both take it, but Clarke is confused why they aren't on Bardo when Cadogan disappeared right away. Hope thinks someone has to be waiting in Bardo to pull them through. Clarke scoffs in disbelief. She walks toward the door, desperately trying to clear the rubble to get to the stone and save Madi but it is no use.
On Bardo, Cadogan takes Madi to M-Cap. Levitt introduces himself to Madi and tells her to sit in the chair. She is hesitant but Levitt assures her it won't hurt. She sits and tells him it's not too bad and he tells her to get comfortable. He turns on the memory capture and starts going through a baseline scenario of her in an endless desert and a hand reaching out for her. Madi immediately thinks of Clarke and the neural link is engaged. Cadogan tells her she has done well and he knows she is afraid, but if her mind has the final code, it will be worth it. Madi tells him he's wrong. Cadogan asks what she means by that. She says Gabriel said Jordan studied the text and Cadogan thinks it's a war because he wants a war when it's actually a test someone has to take. Cadogan refuses to believe a boy who studied the texts once knows better than them who spent generations studying the texts. After all, what war is but a test of might and will? He says if Jordan is right and it is a test of one person, it is a good thing. He continues to say he does not want to send his children to fight in a war and if he could spare the pain of fighting, he would welcome that test. Disciple Joanna interrupts to tell Cadogan two nano-tags have been activated. He has no doubt Madi's people are worried about her, but will be with them soon enough, For now, he leaves them there. Levitt begins the process of retrieving the final code. He shows Madi a sketch of Callie, telling her to think back to the sketch but nothing comes of it. Levitt goes further into her brain to retrieve any memory but she really does not know who the girl in the drawing is. Cadogan assures her they will figure it out together. Madi firmly states she isn't doing this for him, but to save her friends and family. He praises her for being brave. Levitt says it is strange the memory is not registering in the areas that memories are usually stored. Cadogan says she drew things she couldn't see and that those memories are in her mind somewhere. Levitt argues that he would have to search deeper than just her cortex, which is extremely dangerous and something he hasn't done before. Cadogan puts his trust in him as he is known as the best.
Back in the fighting pits, everyone is waiting for something to happen. Octavia is annoyed at Levitt taking his sweet time. Indra says they should discuss a plan. The plan being Clarke and Octavia bring them over, save Madi, and killing Cadogan. Gaia says killing the leader won't change anything, but Indra says he can't chase them if he is dead. Gaia reminds her mom she has seen faith. She uses the commanders and flamekeepers as examples of how faith doesn't just die, but instead is replaced with another person and their legacy continues, citing its similarities to Cadogan's people. Miller asks how does this whole thing end. Octavia says Bellamy asked the same question. The answer is one last war, then they transcend and become the light. Jordan says it's a beautiful idea but fighting is not how they get there and war is a failure of everything, which is why the "last war" isn't a war, but a test. Hope doesn't believe this as the disciples have studied the Bardo text for a thousand years and doesn't think he knows better. Jordan says he does and explains he didn't just read some old books, but felt it. The red sun toxin showed him something and even though he couldn't figure it out, he knew it was important. After reading the Bardo texts, he figured out the next step in human evolution. He doesn't claim to understand everything, but in his heart, he knows there is a purpose to everything and they don't find that out through killing each other, wishing he could've told Bellamy this. Clarke calls it nonsense and the only thing that matters is saving Madi and killing Cadogan. Angry and annoyed, she says there is no last war or test and Bellamy is dead because he believed in said nonsense and has heard enough. Clarke walks away to the hatch of the bunker to collect herself. She is angry at Madi for leaving instead of talking to her. Gaia says this sounds like someone she knows, referring to Clarke. Clarke refutes this because all she ever did was try to save people. Gaia says she did this while putting herself in danger. Clarke realizes Madi is trying to fix everything on her own, something she has done many times. She now understands how Abby felt, feeling she can't get enough air. She is upset because she didn't mean to cause her mom so much pain and stress . Gaia comforts her saying she is sure her mom knew that, just as Madi didn't mean to hurt her. Gaia goes onto say it is not easy to love someone who puts their life at risk, but Madi went to Bardo save everyone in the group and Gaia is proud of her for that. Clarke mentions she killed Bellamy to protect her from Cadogan and the Disciples, not for her to turn herself in. Clarke points out everyone she loves dies and can't keep seeing people she cares about die over and over again. If she loses Madi, she will have and be nothing. Gaia tells her she can help her still her mind to calm and clear her mind, but only if she lets her.
Upstairs in the collapsed hallway, Jackson is sawing the rebar lodged in Emori to get her out of the rubble. Murphy helps her out, but Emori screams in pain over her leg. Jackson asks why she didn't say anything. Emori says it was because she did not feel the pain. Emori has an open wound on her thigh and Jackson puts pressure on it to prevent more blood loss. The rebar is no longer a concern as she is losing too much blood and needs to cauterize the wound. He asks Murphy to put pressure so he can seal the wound. Emori tells Murphy it's fine as he can distract her. He reminisces on the days him and Emori pretended to be Primes. She points out he hated playing Primes, but Murphy says he only went along with it because Emori loved it and it was enough for him. Emori begins to cry as being a Prime was the first time she mattered. Murphy assures her that isn't true because she always mattered to him. Jackson returns with a heated piece of metal. Emori looks at Murphy for an answer, and he nods. Jackson says when he says so, Murphy would uncover the wound. She screams in agony, something Murphy can't stand to hear. When it's over, he comforts her saying it's over, did good ,and the only thing she needed to do was hang on. Raven comes in with a stretcher after she heard her scream. Emori asks her if she found Echo or the others. She says no and whatever that explosion was, the hallway is completely collapsed and must assume they're okay for now. She was able to get into the infirmary and brought along what she could find and thinks it would help. Jackson says he can't do surgery in the middle of a hallway covered in cement and needs an actual surgical theater with sterile equipment, medicine and the only place that has that is Sanctum. Raven says the helmet showed her the stone was in the rec room. They need to find it, open the bridge, and jump over. Emori wonders about Madi and the rest of the group. Raven tells her they will worry about them later and she is the priority. Murphy points out they couldn't find the stone. Raven says just because something can't be seen doesn't mean it's not there. With Emori on a stretcher and the clock ticking, the trio turn the rec room upside down to find the stone. Under the carpet where the grand piano stood, a handprint with the Azgeda symbol is on the floor. Murphy questions why this is, but Raven doesn't know or care, as that is where the stone is. Emori calls Murphy as there is something wrong. Her rebar injury is causing her to lose blood at an alarming rate. Murphy urges her to stay with them. She reminds the pair Echo is Azgeda and should be worried about her too. Murphy says he is but she calls him out on not acting like it. He says everyone can take care of themselves and that she is more important than anyone in the universe. Raven comes back with hammers and calls Murphy back to get to the stone. Raven and Murphy get ready to get to the stone, but Jackson says if they can't get to Sanctum soon, she will die before they leave, Hearing this, the pair begin destroying the floor, racing against time.
On Bardo, Cadogan is watching the memories of his daughter talking to Becca on the hologram, citing Levitt was able to retrieve the memory from the deeper part of her brain. The memory disappears as it was only a fragment and accessed through an entirely different pathway from normal memories. Cadogan doesn't tolerate excuses and wants to see his daughter again. Levitt says if he looks deeper in the brain, he could find more of Becca's memories but it's risky. Instead, Cadogan tells him to be careful as they need her memories intact. Madi begins hyperventilating and is scared. Cadogan comforts her, saying he knows she's tired but she is doing so well. Levitt searches deeper in her brain and a montage of memories featuring Callie and Becca. Madi begins to resist and says she saw everything. Because of this, Madi is done helping him. Cadogan tells her Becca and him had a disagreement and only seeing her side of the story and while she was right back then, he has spent centuries preparing everyone. Levitt says it's time to go again, but Madi refuses and begins resisting. Levitt tells her to stop as she is hurting herself. Cadogan calls in the guards to restrain her and not hurt herself. Cadogan tells Levitt to go again, but he says they need to do this another way. Cadogan says there is no other way and dismisses him for being too close to Madi. He catches onto Madi trying to kill herself to prevent him from getting the final code. For the good of the many, he has no choice but to continue. Madi tells him to go float himself.
Levitt goes to the Stone Room and tells Disciple Joanna Cadogan wants the people with the nano-tags to be brought over now. She is confused as he ordered her to ignore it. He says he changed his mind and who is he to question that. When she doesn't comply, he lies and threatens to bring and tell Cadogan she refused to listen to his order. As he walks away, she stops him and brings the pair over.
Clarke and Gaia are meditating, but Clarke becomes agitated as the last thing she wants to do is focus when her daughter is probably being tortured. Gaia defends herself saying she is aware of this and also loves her too. Clarke apologizes for lashing out and the pair embrace each other. Suddenly, Clarke's hand glows and is transported to Bardo. Octavia realizes she is next. Hope doesn't want her to go as she doesn't want to be alone again. Octavia explains that sometimes, to do the right thing, they must take a risk, something Diyoza knew too. The pair touch foreheads until Octavia is gone. Jordan walks over and holds her hand, telling her she isn't alone. Miller asks what now. Indra says now they have faith.
Levitt wonders where the pair are as they haven't appeared in the Stone Room. Disciple Joanna says they moved the bridge to another location for war preparations. Levitt asks where and it cuts to a war field with disciples preparing for the last war. The gate opens, sending Clarke and Octavia in the middle of the field and the disciples arm themselves. Clarke is confused as to why they are in a different location. The disciples order the two to drop their weapons and put their hands in the air.
While Murphy and Raven are trying to get to the stone, Jackson changes the gauze on Emori's wound to keep the bleeding under control until they can get into surgery. Knowing she doesn't have much time left, a visibly pale Emori tells Jackson they both know how the current situation will end. He tells her to not talk like that as they will get her to Sanctum. Telling her to hang in there and walking away, he offers to take over for Raven. At first she refuses, but Jackson reveals she needs to talk to her as she thinks she is going to die. She immediately hands over the hammer and goes to Emori's side. She starts the conversation by stating Raven always hated being helpless. She says no one does. Emori recalls their time on the ring and mentions Raven hated it. But to Emori, regardless of their circumstances, it was some of the best times of her life because they were together and safe. She tells Raven she loves her. Raven catches on she is saying her final goodbye. She assures her she will get through this as they are close to the stone. Emori says when they get to it, to go to Bardo first because stopping Cadogan is more important. Raven refuses and tells her she will not let her die. Emori says if their is a choice between saving her and saving everyone, to choose everyone as a final request. The reason she tells Raven this is because she knows Murphy won't do it, but knows she will be able to make the hard choice like Clarke and in the reactor. She objects to this as she made the wrong call for not giving Hatch a choice, treating him like a pawn, and wouldn't do it again because she is done watching the people she loves die. Emori asks if she is being stubborn and she says it's her thing. Raven tells her she is saving her first, then everyone else second. Murphy excitedly announces to Emori he found the stone, but finds her passed out. Raven says she isn't breathing. Jackson starts chest compressions to keep her blood circulating, but urgently says they need to get to Sanctum. Murphy and Raven work faster to get to the stone.
The guards are bringing Sheidheda his meal when Levitt is reworking the keypad to the cell. He tells them the thing is broken, but this confuses them as Level 11s are not supposed to be on maintenance. He shocks and fights them. After knocking them out, he successfully unlocks the cell.
Octavia and Clarke are imprisoned. Clarke is upset they went through all that trouble just to end up in a cell next to a singing Sheidheda. Noticing her frustration, Octavia tells her they will get Madi back since they were able to get to Bardo with the help of their inside man. Clarke thanks her for offering to come along. Octavia says she now understands what Madi means to Clarke as it is what Hope is to her and what she meant to Bellamy. She takes a second to reflect on Bellamy when the cell door opens to reveal Levitt. The pair hug and Clarke interrupts since they need to get Madi. She asks for a plan, but he doesn't have one as it is their speciality. Octavia suggests they use the suits for invisibility. Levitt shuts it down as there are too many disciples. She then suggests coming in hot and taking them all out. Clarke suggests creating a distraction. They leave to Sheidheda's cell armed. There is already tension in the air but Octavia tells the two to cut it out as they need to stop Cadogan. He says he tried, but ended up being locked up. Clarke reveals her plan of setting him loose to draw away the Disciples from M-Cap. He says he is not a petty distraction and the high king of Sanctum. Octavia suggests they leave him in the cell instead. He quickly changes his mind.
Sheidheda starts his distraction by stating he will kill Cadogan. He takes out the two disciples running towards him and takes the remaining out. More disciples appear, he holds one of them hostage and challenges them, asking if that is the best they could do, running toward the laserfire
While Jackson continues to give Emori chest compressions, Murphy is still digging for the stone. He finds the last symbol for Raven to take them to Sanctum. After putting in the code, the Stone rises from the ground and the portal opens. Murphy thanks Jackson for doing everything to save Emori. Jackson says he's not losing anyone else. Murphy assures him they'll come back for Miller. They go through the portal, leaving Emori's fate in the air.
Clarke, Octavia, and Levitt arrive to a gruesome scene. Octavia questions why Sheidheda isn't there, but Clarke knew there was that possibility. A shocked Levitt mourns the loss of the disciples because he grew up with them. Octavia tells him that's war and it looks exciting in hologram mode, but it is the reality. Clarke reminds them what matters is getting to Madi. The distraction worked and she sends Levitt in M-Cap first, assuming someone is inside, since no one will see him as a threat. After him, the others follow suit. Clarke runs to Madi, but she doesn't react. Clarke immediately sense something's wrong. Levitt begins figuring out what happened. Clarke sobs and pleads hysterically for Madi to say something. Octavia asks Levitt for the problem. He says there is neural activity, but she suffered a massive stroke in her brain stem. Octavia tells Clarke Madi she can hear her. Clarke comforts Madi when she asks if it's reversible. Levitt says no as all areas of her brain responsible for voluntary movement have been destroyed and Clarke is distraught. She looks at the gun on the floor, but Octavia says no as Clarke is going to mercy-kill Madi to end her suffering. She picks up the gun but Octavia tells her she'll do it so she won't have to live with it. Clarke tells Madi she loves her so much, to not be scared, and follow the sound of her voice. She starts humming the same song she hummed when she mercy-killed Atom back in season 1. Octavia prepares to shoot her and says "Your fight is over" in Trigedasleng. Before she can, Levitt blurts out Cadogan got the code. He apologizes as he was unaware of what the pair were doing. Octavia asks if he was sure and pulls up a hologram of the final code. Clarke is fuming because Cadogan left her to die after getting what he needed. Octavia says they have to stop him as he shouldn't be the one to represent all of the human race. She pulls Levitt aside asking if he is sure about stopping Cadogan as he has wanted this his whole life. He says before her, he didn't have a life. Clarke tells Madi she will come back for her after she stops the test and promises Cadogan will not win. She kisses Madi on the forehead and the trio leave M-Cap. A tear falls from Madi's eye and the final showdown begins.
- Eliza Taylor as Clarke Griffin
- Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia Blake
- Lindsey Morgan as Raven Reyes
- Richard Harmon as John Murphy
- Tasya Teles as Echo (credit only)
- Shannon Kook as Jordan Green
- JR Bourne as Sheidheda
- Chuku Modu as Gabriel Santiago (credit only)
- Shelby Flannery as Hope Diyoza
Guest Starring[]
- Adina Porter as Indra
- Jarod Joseph as Nathan Miller
- Luisa d'Oliveira as Emori
- Sachin Sahel as Eric Jackson
- Tati Gabrielle as Gaia
- Lola Flanery as Madi Griffin
- Jason Diaz as Levitt
- With John Pyper-Ferguson as Bill Cadogan
- Stefania Indelicato as Joanna
- Alex Barima as Kwame
- Erica Cerra as A.L.I.E. and Becca Franko (archive footage)
- Alycia Debnam-Carey as Lexa (archive footage)
- Lina Renna as Young Madi Griffin (archive footage)
- Crystal Balint as Grace Cadogan (archive footage)
- Iola Evans as Callie Cadogan (archive footage)
- Alaina Huffman as Nikki (archive footage)
- Dylan Kingwell as Luca (archive footage)
- Adam Lolacher as Jeremiah (archive footage)
- John Murphy: "Emori, Emori, say something!"
- Emori: "Something."
- Bill Cadogan: "Well done, Madi. I know you're afraid, but if your mind contains the final code, it'll all be worth it."
- Madi Griffin: "You're wrong."
- Bill Cadogan: "What do you mean?"
- Madi Griffin: "Gabriel said Jordan studied the texts. You think it's a war because you want a war... but it's actually a test someone has to take."
- Bill Cadogan: "I am sorry, but I find it unlikely that a boy who studied the texts once knows better than those of us who have spent generations with them. That said, translation is as much an art as science. After all, what is war but a test of might and will? So if Jordan is right and it is a test of a single individual, then... that's a good thing. Madi, I don't want a war. I don't want to send my children to die. If I could spare all of us the pain of fighting, then I welcome that test."
- Octavia Blake: "My inside man is sure taking his sweet time."
- Indra: "We should discuss the plan. Clarke and Octavia bring us over. We get Madi and kill their leader."
- Gaia: "Killing Cadogan won't change anything."
- Indra: "He can't chase us if he's dead."
- Gaia: "You've seen faith, mother. You kill the Commander, another takes her place. You kill the Flamekeeper, another takes his place. Faith doesn't just die. It gets carried forward. Cadogan's people are no different."
- Nathan Miller: "Then how does this end?"
- Octavia Blake: "Bellamy asked that question, too. One last war, and then we Transcend and we become the light."
- Jordan Green: "It's a beautiful idea, but fighting is not how we get there. War is a failure of everything, which is why it's a test, not a war."
- Hope Diyoza: "Test, war, test, war. The Disciples have been studying the Bardo texts for over a thousand years. You really think you know better?"
- Jordan Green: "Yes. And it's not just that I read some old books. I felt it. That Red Sun toxin showed me something. I couldn't figure it out, but I knew it was important, and then I read the Bardo texts, and it hit me -- the next step in human evolution. I don't claim to fully understand it, but... in my heart, I know there's a purpose to everything, and we don't find out what it is by killing each other in another war. I just wish I could've told Bellamy."
- Clarke Griffin: "Nonsense. All that matters now is saving Madi and killing Cadogan. There's no Last War or test. Bellamy's dead because he believed that crap, and I've heard enough!"
- Eric Jackson: "I can't do surgery out of my pack. I need an actual surgical theater, sterile equipment, medicine. I need to get to Sanctum."
- Raven Reyes: "The helmet showed me the Stone was in the rec room. We find it, open the bridge and jump over."
- Emori: "What about Madi? What about the rest of our friends?"
- Raven Reyes: "We will worry about them later. Right now, you are the priority."
- John Murphy: "Yeah. Damn right. We only have one problem. We couldn't find the Stone."
- Raven Reyes: "Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there."
- John Murphy: "Why is there an Azgeda symbol on the floor?"
- Raven Reyes: "Don't know, don't care. All I know is, X marks the spot."
- Madi Griffin: "No!"
- Levitt: "What's wrong?"
- Madi Griffin: "I saw everything. Becca went to the other side. She said he's not ready. I'm done helping you."
- Bill Cadogan: "Becca and I had a disagreement a long time ago. You're only seeing her side of the story, and she may have been right back then, but I've spent centuries preparing us, improving us. Now is our time."
- Levitt: "Let's start again."
- Madi Griffin: "I said no!"
- Levitt: "Madi, stop it. You're hurting yourself."
- Bill Cadogan: "Guards!"
- Levitt: "You're hurting yourself!"
- Bill Cadogan: "Restrain her! We can't let her harm herself."
- Disciple: "Step aside, Disciple Levitt. (to Madi) Take it easy! Stop resisting. You'll only get hurt."
- Bill Cadogan: "Again, Mr. Levitt."
- Levitt: "Sir, we need to do this another way."
- Bill Cadogan: "There is no other way. You're too close to this. You're dismissed. Summon Shoana."
- Levitt: "Yes, sir."
- Bill Cadogan: "Madi, stop this. Are you trying to kill yourself? For the good of the many, I have no choice but to continue."
- Madi Griffin: "Go float yourself."
- Clarke Griffin: "It's working!" (Clarke vanishes)
- Octavia Blake: "I'm next."
- Hope Diyoza: "I don't wanna be alone again."
- Octavia Blake: "Sometimes to do the right thing, you have to take a risk. Your mom knew that, too." (Octavia vanishes)
- Jordan Green (taking Hope's hand): "You're not alone."
- Nathan Miller: "What now?"
- Indra (to Gaia): "Now we have faith."
- Levitt: "Where are they? Where's the Bridge? What is this?"
- Joanna: "War preparations. We moved the Bridge to a strategically advantageous location."
- Levitt: "Where?"
- Sheidheda (charging a group of Disciples): "Is that the best you can do?!"
- John Murphy: "We got to go now! (to Jackson) Thank you."
- Eric Jackson: "We're not losing anyone else."
- John Murphy: "We'll come back for Miller. Let's go."
- Octavia Blake: "Are you sure? You've wanted this your whole life."
- Levitt: "Until you I didn't have a life."
Notes and Trivia[]
- It's revealed that Gabriel Santiago told everyone about Jordan Green's discovery in the Bardoan texts.
- Levitt discovers that the memories of the Commanders are not in the part of Madi's brain that typically stores memory.
- Jordan reveals that his beliefs about the test come not just from the Bardoan logs, but from the vision that he had of the Anomaly while under the influence of the Red Sun toxin in "The Blood of Sanctum."
- Murphy, Jackson and Raven discover an Azgeda symbol on the floor of the Second Dawn Bunker's rec room over where the Anomaly Stone is buried, suggesting that Azgeda had something to do with the Stone being buried.
- Madi suffers a massive stroke from M-Cap, destroying the areas of her brain related to voluntary movement. While her mind is still intact, she is essentially trapped in her body and Levitt states that it is irreversible.
- The song Clarke hums to Madi is the same song she hummed when she mercy-killed Atom in Earth Skills.
- Bill Cadogan gets the code that he needs from Madi's mind after finding Becca's memory of entering it into the Anomaly Stone.
- Emori is severely injured in the bunker collapse. At the end of the episode, her heart stops and Jackson is performing CPR as she is transported to Sanctum, leaving her current fate unclear.
- Echo and Niylah's fates are currently unknown as they aren't seen by either of the groups in the bunker.
- It's shown that the guns the Disciples carry shoot laser blasts similar to their wrist blasters rather than firing bullets like normal guns.
- When Raven uses the star map to send herself, Murphy, Emori and Jackson to Sanctum, she shows none of the trouble she had in "Hesperides" and "Nakara" in identifying the correct world. This is because in "Hesperides," she was instantly able to identify Sanctum on the map due it being the only world that was depicted as being located in a binary star system.
- Goof: When Raven uses the star map as Murphy is uncovering the Anomaly Stone, the symbol visible next to the emerging code is the one previously identified for Bardo, not for Sanctum.
Body Count[]
Behind the Scenes[]
- Even though Chuku Modu did not appear after Gabriel Santiago dies in the previous episode, Chuku’s name still credited in this episode, indicating that he may have been meant to appear in flashbacks or as a corpse and his scenes were cut.
- Jason Rothenberg stated that the ending scene of this episode, was originally written and directed by him and was to be the opening scene of the finale, but because the finale is too long, they had to pull the ending scene to this episode.[1]
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