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Until I met you the thought of raising a child in a world like this... You give me hope.
— Diyoza to Kane [src]

Kane and Diyoza is the relationship between Marcus Kane and Charmaine Diyoza. They are portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick and Ivana Milicevic.


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Throughout the Series[]

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Season Five
Charmaine Diyoza: "Thank you Kane"
Marcus Kane: "For what?"
Charmaine Diyoza: "Until I met you the thought of rising a child in a world like this... you give me hope"

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Marcus Kane is the second person to find out about her pregnancy.
  • Kane is also the source of inspiration for the naming of Hope Diyoza.
  • Both of them escaped with Spacekru after Paxton McCreary took over leadership of the Eligius Prisoners. However, they both betrayed Spacekru and Wonkru by giving Wonkru's plan of attack to McCreary, presumably because Kane wants to save himself and to stop the war, and Diyoza wanted to prevent Octavia from killing her, in order to protect her unborn child.


See Also[]
