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The Chosen Preview

Monty Previously on The 100...
Clarke Somethings coming, a wave of radiation that will kill everything in its path.
Jaha What if I told you there might be a fallout shelter built to sustain thousands
Roan A final Conclave, one champion per Clan, one death instead of thousands and whoever wins, gets the bunker
Octavia I was fighting for us all, Skaikru will not take the bunker alone, we will share it, we are, one Clan.
Kane Uh! How could they do this!
Indra Skaikru has betrayed us all...
Clarke Bellamy! Stop!
Bellamy The radiation is getting worse, and people are dying up there
Bellamy You're gonna have to make it a killing shot, it's the only way you're gonna stop me
(Clarke sobs)
Kane We have one hundred spots, the other Clans have chosen their survivors, we have to do the same
Octavia The death wave comes in 24 hours, you have 12 to decide.
In the Bunker
Grounder Move!
Jackson Hey! What the hell is going on?!
Grounder Move! To the Rodunda
Arkadian Where's my son? Ethan! Have you seen my son!?
Ethan Dad?
Arkadian Ethan where are you!?
Ethan Dad...?
Niylah Get off me! I'm Trikru!
Grounder Traitor Live with Skaikru, die with Skaikru
Murphy Hey, hey, hey, where's Emori?
Niylah I haven't seen her
Ethan Dad?
Arkadian (Continues to scream sons name)
(See's son)
Arkadian Oh thank god, (Ethan sees his dad and runs into his arms) It's okay
Murphy Emori!
Emori John?
Murphy Hey, did they hurt you?
Emori, I heard the warriors talking, there's only room for 100 Arkadians for the bunker
(Everyone getting pushed and closed in the Rodunda)
Arkadian Jaha! What's happening?
Man That's everyone, close the door
(Doors close)
(All shouting to open the door)
Jaha Three of four hundred of these people are going to die tonight, you still think you made the right choice?
Abby Just hang in there, we're sending a team to get you today.
Raven Are you sure about this?
Abby Yes. We need you, and not just for the hundreds of things we know you can fix, but for the thousands we haven't even though of yet
Rave Thank you, Abby
Abby I'm just glad you're all right
Raven You'll be too. My brain is healing, and the seizures have stopped, when I get there, we use the same procedure on you, and you'll be cured.
Kane looked at Abby
Kane Cured? What' she talking about?
(Abby looked at Kane)
Abby We ca talk about that when you get here
(Radio turns off and doors open)
Jaha Our people are scared Marcus, we need to tell them something.
Kane We just spoke with Raven. when she gets here we'll have all our essential personnel.
Clarke How many spots does that leave us with?
Abby Including the essential personnel and the places that we're holding dor the children under 16, that leaves us with 80.
Clarke 80?
Jaha I can't believe we are talking about sending 364 of our own people! To their deaths.
Clarke We're lucky they're giving us any space in this bunker at all.
Kane Look. I don't like it anymore than you do-
Jaha Then lets fight this!
Kane No. Any sort of resistance will cost us all our lives. Our best course of action is to hold a lottery for the remaining spots
Jaha It's not going to work, Marcus
Kane It was your idea
Jaha That was for the chance to survive
Abby And how is this any different?
Jaha Until 20 minutes ago, our people believed they were safe, they let down their guard, they picked their bunks, they unpacked their bags. They imagined their futures! You try to rip that from them now, and, believe me, they will fight.
Kane No one is saying it's going to be easy, but we need to make the people listen to reason
Bellamy Someone still needs to get Raven, I'd like to volunteer.
Clarke And I'll join you.
Abby No. Someone else can go with him.
Clarke Mom, look Raven needs our help, I know the way to the Island. I need to do this.
Kane Well, you be safe. There'll be a place for both of you when you get back.
Abby I'll meet you in the airlock.
Bellamy Okay.
(Door opens and closes)
(In the Airlock)
Abby At these radiation levels, any amount of exposure is harmful. Keep the suit sealed at all times. You have 23 hours until the death wave hits. On a good day, it takes 10 hours to get to the island and 10 hours back. That doesn't leave you much room for error.
Clarke Mom, I know, okay? We'll be careful.
Abby I love you Clarke. Don't ever forget that
Clarke This isn't goodbye. Mom I know what you saw in that vision. But, I'm a nightblood now, I mean, right maybe it worked?
Abby Clarke listen to me, I told you there were no good guys, but that's not true. There are. You are.
Clarke Even if I didn't want to open the door?
Abby Yes. There was no good choice
Clarke There never is.
Abby Take care of each other.
Bellamy Yes, Ma'am
(Doors open)
Murphy Got room for two more?
Bellamy Murphy, what are you doing here?
Murphy We heard you're going after Raven. We just want to help
Emori I've been to the island a dozen of times. No one knows the water better than me.
Murphy Maybe it'll help our chances if we bring home the chosen ones.
Abby There's a lottery. I'll make sure that your name is in it.
Murphy And Emori?
Abby I'll do the best I can.
(Door opens and closes)
Clarke This way
Bellamy What are you really up to Murphy?
Murphy You killed us when you opened that door, you know that, right? Oh what did you think our people are gonna waste a spot on Emori, on me? We were safe. And you screwed us. You wanna know what we're up to? It's called surviving. There's a bunker on that Island, you're our ride, that's it.
Bellamy That bunker's not stocked, Murphy. You won't last 5 months, let alone 5 years.
Murphy No. We probably won't. At least we'll survive the death wave. We can't all be essential personnel. Or have a sister who's queen of the grounders.
(In the bunker Kane is giving a speech)
Kane We have faced extinction before, and we have persevered. but we have always been familiar with sacrifice and today we will be tested once again. The ground won't be survivable for 5 years. We've confirmed that this bunker can only generate oxygen and food for that length of time. By mandate of the Conclave, our clans have been given 100 spaces. An equal number of spots as all the rest. To fill them, we will hold, a fair lottery.
(Arkadians shout in disaprovment)
Kane We will hold a fair lottery, an equal chance for everybody.
(All talking at once)
Arkadian How long do you think the grounders would last in here without us? Our people know how to operate oxygen scrubbers and hydro farms.
(Everyone shouts 'yeah' in unison)
Arkadian We're gonna be running this place. We deserve more spots.
(Everyone shouts 'yeah' in unison once more)
Kane I don't like this any more than you do, but we must call upon the better angels of our nature to guide us. Like the culling of the Ark. Some must die today so that our people may survive.
(People murmuring)
Arkadian What about her? (Points to Niylah) Is her name in the lottery, too? We're just gonna let some grounder take a bed from one of our own.
(Arkadians shout 'no')
Arkadians I saw we should let her own people save her.
Kane Everybody calm down, we've come to far to turn on each other now.
Hardy You're just saying that because you already know that you're safe!
Miller's dad Let it go, Hardy .
Arkadian Let's throw her out!
Jackson Leave her alone! Let her go!
Kane Guards! Stop them!
(Screaming and shouting)
Niylah Uh! Let go of me! Ahh! Uh!
(Grounders start fighting with Arkadians to get them off of Niylah)
(Octavia pulls weapon out and puts it to one Arkadians neck.)
(Everyone looks at her)
Octavia Niylah, you're with me. She's safe. You now have one less spot to fill. Uh! (Knocks someone out)
Jaha Octavia please. You got to stop this. You're Skaikru, you're one of us
Octavia I'm one of you? You made me hide under the floor. You floated my mother. I'm not hiding now.
(People murmuring)
Jaha (Don't do this)
Octavia Every other Clan has chosen their survivors. Every other Clan. Skaikru's no different. You have until midnight, chose. Or you will all die.
(People murmuring)
(Octavia and grounders leave)
Octavia Are you okay?
Niylah They're scared, we all are. It's human nature to fight. I'll never forget what you did for me.
Indra A word, Octavia? I fear this will only get worse if Skaikru can't decide, you know how this has to end.
Octavia What if I can't do it?
Indra You gave your terms. There is no going back. I know this is hard. But you're the champion Octavia. Wonkru looks at you now. They will do what needs to be done, you just need to give the command.
Octavia I'm no champion Indra. I hid. Ilian helped me. Roan helped me. I didn't do this on my own.
Indra No leader ever does.
(In the Rover)
Emori It felt good to be safe. I never felt that way before... Like I had a home.
Murphy Hey. Your home's with me. Okay?
Bellamy Why did you come on this mission, Clarke?
Clarke Raven's my friend.
Bellamy Yesterday, you were fine leaving your friend out to die. My sister too, Kane.
Clarke I wasn't fine with it and you know that. Bellamy, I never meant to hurt you
Bellamy Aiming a gun at me is a strange way to show it.
Clarke I didn't pull the trigger
Bellamy Is that supposed to make it okay?
Clarke Nothing is okay. Whatever choice I make, somebody always dies.
Bellamy Well, not shooting me. It was the right choice.
Clarke Look out!
Bellamy Hold on! Uh!
Murphy Are you okay?
Emori Yeah, you?
Murphy Yeah, I'm fine.
Clarke He just jumped right out Infront of us, it's like he wanted to die.
Bellamy Stay here, I'm gonna check the damages.
(Bellamy gets pulled out aggressively)
(Man shouts in Trigedasleng)
Murphy Bellamy! Clarke! Incoming! Get behind me
(Fighting and Grunting noises)
Emori John!
Murphy Emori!
Emori Uh! Uh! Ahhh! (gets pulled out of rover)
Murphy Emori!!
Emori John! Ahhh!
Grounders fighting for hazmat suits
Emori Uhh! They want our suits!
Grounders grunt in pain, drop dead on the ground
Echo There might be more of them. We should get going.
Bellamy Echo, what are you doing here?
Echo I know about your bunker on the island. I just saved your live. I'm hoping, you will return the favor.
Bellamy Unless we have another ride, no one is making it to that island.
Back in the Bunker
Each one of them take a turn to put their names in a bowl
Miller Here goes nothing... (walks out the main office)
Kane (He looks to see Miller's dad put his name instead of his.)


David I know, Nates already put his name in... But I'd like to give him my slot too, if that's okay. I want to give him the best chance...
Kane Of course.
David Okay.
Kane One minute. Sorry. It's not your fault.
Abby Yes. It is. I opened that door.
Kane You did what you thought was right.
Abby Was it right, Marcus?
Kane Yes.
Abby We do what's right and 364 people die.
Kane You saved so many others. You saved me. And I don't mean just by opening the door.
Abby I don't know who I am anymore... The things that I let myself do, in that lab...
Kane I told you. We will find our humanity again.
Abby I need you to pull 81 names from the bowl.
Kane Abby-
Abby When that door closes today. I need to be on the other side.
Kane Please. I just got you back. Don't say that.
Abby I love you, Marcus. But I've made my decision. My life isn't as important as there's. I need you to pull 81 names.
(Door opens and closes)
Hardy Sir, can I talk to you.
Jaha Of course, Geoff. What is it?
Hardy If my name isn't called. Will you. Take care of my boy. It's not fair of me to ask.
Jaha None of this is fair. You son shouldn't have to grow up without a father. We shouldn't be lining up to die. We should be fighting for our right to live
Hardy How? We're unarmed, surrounded by hundreds of Grounders. If we don't do this lottery, all of us will be killed.
Jaha Not if we have leverage.
Hardy Leverage?
Jaha If you can get those Grounders to open those doors again. I will do the rest. We save our people today. All of our people.
Bellamy Monty, do you read me over?
Clarke Here
Bellamy Monty, do you copy?
Clarke The suit will prevent you from getting worse. It's the best we can do right now. You'll get used to it.
Bellamy Monty, do you read me? Over.
Echo Roan banished me.
Clarke I heard.
Bellamy Monty?
Echo I was only trying to save my people
Bellamy Monty, do you copy?
Echo Is that so wrong?
Monty Bellamy, come in, do you read me?
Bellamy es, Monty, I read you. Where are you?
Monty Two clicks outside Polis. Almost there. Everything okaY?
Bellamy Not exactly. Hey Monty I hate to ask you this but we broke down on the way to the island to get Raven. We need you to come reel us in.
Harper We save our friends
Monty I love you, you know that. We're on our way. Tell us exactly where you are.
(Emori coughing)
Murphy No. No, No! Hey, hey. Hey, hey, Clarke-
Clarke Uh, you've been exposed.
Murphy How is that possible. She's wearing a suit.
Clarke Uh- I- The seal of her helmet's torn
Emori Can you fix it?
Murphy We just need tape that's all. You're gonna be fine.
Clarke We don't have any tools or any weapons.
Murphy So we give her the extra suit, then.
Bellamy We don't have another suit.
Murphy Yes, we do!Take it off now.
Echo I saved your life.
E urphy What were you gonna do if we didn't get attacked huh? I mean, you guys really think she was following us out of the kindness of her heart? No. She was gonna attack us the second that we stopped! Give me the suit!
Bellamy Hey! Murphy! Murphy! No!
Murphy What?!
Bellamy Look. You cut that suit , and it saves no one!
Murphy I'm not letting her die!
Clarke Neither am I
Bellamy Clarke, what are you doing?
Clarke I have nightblood
Bellamy Untested nightblood
Clarke We're testing it right now. Take off her helmet.
Clarke There. Quick.
Murphy Okay. hey. here.
Monty Bellamy, you there? Come in.
Bellamy Yeah we're here. Head northeast from Polis. And Monty, drive fast.
Clarke We have to talk about it.
Bellamy Missed the window. Continue on to the island we won't make it back
Clarke What about them? Do we just save ourselves?
Bellamy Clarke we need to get you to Polis, them, too. We pull in as many people as we can before the death wave hits. If your mom can make us all nightbloods, we only need to stay down there until it passes. We can still save everyone.
Clarke Just not Raven
(Rover Approaching)
Monty We got here as fast as we could. Clarke, you're exposed. Come on, lets get you into the rover.
Clarke No, Monty, I'm fine.
Harper I'll grab the extra helmet.
Murphy Guys, come on. Planet ain't getting any less eradiated.
Bellamy Here. Come on. I got you.
Harper The helmets don't match, I brought the whole suit.
Monty I got this. Help the others into the rover.
Harper Okay. Come on.
(Clarke coughing blood)
Monty Clarke, you need to put on the suit. It was for Jasper At least now it'll do some good. You should put it on. Jasper would want you to. If we're still gonna make it to the island-
Bellamy We're not going to the island
Clarke Yes, we are.
Bellamy Clarke-
Clarke Nightblood doesn't work
Bellamy We don't know that yet. Luna got sick before she got better, so-
Clarke Even if you're right. They won't let us in the bunker if I'm still sick. It took days for Luna's resistance to kick in. And by that time. the death wave will already be here and all our friends will be dead. Are you okat with that?
Bellamy You know I'm not. Clarke, unless I'm missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive.
Clarke What if there is?
(In the bunker)
Kane Pei Chao. Sonya Hassler. Nate Miller. Kimberly Gingsberg.
Miller I'm not leaving If your names not picked I'm not going dad.
David Hey. Hey. It's gonna be wonderful, Nate. Your gonna rebuild the world.
Kane Paula Sevaga. Jackson, will you take over from here, please?
Jackson Doug Mccrae.
Hardy We don't have to do this.
Jackson Please. No one want's this but this has to be done
Hardy You're wrong. Jaha has a plan to save us. But we have to stick together. When those doors open, follow my lead. It's our best chance.
Abby That's enough. We can't do this
Hardy I don't know about you. But I am not about to be led to the slaughter. I intend to fight!
(Everyone shouting 'Yeah')
Hardy Whose with me? Fight! Fight!
(Everyone chanting fight)
Jaha Marcus
Kane What the hell do you think you're doing?
Jaha I am not losing 364 people today. I did not find this bunker, just so we could kill ourselves in it.
Kane So you're gonna what? Gonna gas the grounders? Knock them out? Is that it?
Jaha Yes... And then we threaten to destroy the crops unless they make more room for our people.
Kane You can't be serious.
Jaha Once we have the food, we have the power. We call the shots.
Indra We found the Skaikru armory. They are our guns now. We can't wait any longer. Your orders? I'll be right beside you.
Octavia Pass our the guns
Kane There's a thousand grounders. You'll never make it to the food, even with the gas.
Jaha We'll see..
Kane Thelonious, Just stop! Stop! It'll be a bloodbath, and you know it. How may would have to die? All of them? All of us?
Jaha As many as it takes.
Kane If we fight, then we die. Just-
Jaha The time for diplomacy is over, Marcus. Now either you lead us into battle or get the hell out of my way.
(Grounders being passed guns)
Kane Thelonious just- just stop. Stop. Just listen to me, I'm begging you, you found this place when nobody believed you. You-You saved 1,100 grounders. You saved humanity, but if you don't stop now, you're taking every bit of that salvation back. This is your moment.
Skaikru Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
(Chanting continues)
Kane Your people need you.
Jaha Listen to them. They want to fight! How do we stop them now?
(Chanting continues)
Indra I'll do this for you.
Octavia No. My people, My responsibility. Now.
(Arkadians passed out on the floor)
Kane This is how we save our people.
Jaha Marcus, how do we chose?
Kane We already have.
Jaha Clarke's list...
Kane It was always our best chance for survival.
Jaha And I know where it is...
Kane This is, how we save our people.
(Song Starts Playing)
Kane He stays, No. The children stay. All of them. He goes. The son stays. No. She stays. She stays. She stays. Forgive me.
(Raven in Becca's lab, everyone walks in)
Raven What are you doing here?
Bellamy We're not leaving you behind.
Raven But there's no time to get back
Clarke We're not going back. We're going up.
Murphy Oh, don't look so surprised. It was all your crazy idea to begin with.
Raven Space? Uh, we don't have enough fuel to get down.
Harper Sounds like a five year problem to me.
Raven You're talking about the ring.
Bellamy Seems like a shame to let a good rocket to go to waste.
Raven Uh, how do we live?
Clarke They left a water reclamator there, and we know that GO-SCI has an algae farm. We just get those two up and running, we have food and water.
Murphy Algae salads and recycled urine. Sign me up.
Emori Better than dying.
Murphy Yeah, you say that now.
Raven Alright, wait, slow down. Breathing's important too. What's the plan for oxygen?
Monty Based on what Murphy says about the lighthouse bunker, I'm guessing-- Make that praying-- There's an oxygenator there. We take it with us, you hook it up, bob's your uncle.
Raven You're an engineer, Monty. You know there's about a thousand things wrong with that plan right?
Monty Yes, and every one of them kills us. Of course, staying here will kill us, too, so--
Bellamy Raven, we need you to get us off the ground before the death wave hits. What do you say? Can you do it?
Raven What do I say? I say the death wave can kiss my ass.
Clarke Good. It's settled then. We're going back to The Ark.

End Of Episode 12

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