“ | Because today, I am the commander of death. | ” |
— Emori to Clarke [src] |
Emori is a recurring character in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons. She is portrayed by cast member Luisa d'Oliveira and debuts in "Rubicon".
Emori was a Nomadic Grounder who traveled through the desert with her brother as they searched for the alleged "City of Light." She was born with a deformed hand, for which she was cast out into the desert. Along with her brother Otan, Emori started working for A.L.I.E. collecting pieces of technology. She later became good friends with John Murphy, then they became girlfriend/boyfriend.
In Season Four, she worked with the Sky People to figure out a way to survive the Praimfaya. Running out of options, and the impending danger of Raven Reyes, she would travel to Becca's Island with John, Bellamy Blake Clarke Griffin, Harper McIntyre, Monty Green, and Echo to save Raven survive the apocalypse, where they would launch themselves to The Ark to save themselves.
In Season Five, 6 years go by in space on the Ark, where she became good friends with Raven and the others, learning all about mechanics and how to fly the rocket. Upon landing back on Earth, she regrouped with Clarke and the survivors of Wonkru to join forces in fighting against the Eligius Prisoners for the Shallow Valley, the only known place on Earth that is survivable. But when the bomb is launched at the Valley, Emori, along with Wonkru and remaining Eligius Prisoners are forced to board Eligius IV as Earth is thought to be no longer habitable, and travel to a new habitable world.
In Season Six, she and John Murphy became Nightbloods with their new Mind Drives inserted into the back of their necks, while they were posing as Daniel Lee and Kaylee Lee. While posing as Daniel Lee and Kaylee Lee, she and Murphy begin helping their friends save both of their people and the people of Sanctum.
In Season Seven, she and Murphy continue their relationship while posing as Daniel and Kaylee to help keep the peace amongst the various factions on Sanctum. After Sheidheda takes over Wonkru and Sanctum, Emori helps Murphy protect the survivors of the Dark Commander's massacre and to resist his reign. After being mortally wounded, Emori's physical body dies but Murphy resurrects her by using his own body as a host for her Mind Drive despite the risks to himself. Emori transcends with the rest of the human race, but joins Clarke's friends in returning to a now habitable Earth, with her original body now restored, to live out their lives rather than to remain transcended, so that Clarke will not be alone forever.
Early Life[]
Emori was born with a deformed hand due to radiation and because of that, her people considered her a stain in their bloodline. Normally, when a Grounder child is born with a deformity they are cast out and left to die. Her brother was born with a facial deformity. Emori was not known to have any other siblings. She never had a consistent home, and would later seek out a place she could belong.
She grew to learn how to be a mechanic, teaching herself. She also learnt how to be a thief, learning how to survive on her own in the dead zone by collecting supplies from passerbyes with the promise of the upcoming City of Light. Emori’s childhood was known to be nomadic, constantly moving around. At some point in Emori's life she, along with her brother, began working for A.L.I.E. collecting pieces of tech.
Throughout the Series[]

Emori meets Jaha and his crew
In Rubicon, Emori is confronted by Thelonious Jaha and his followers. Emori immediately sees them as a threat and tells them to stay back and threatens to kill them in Trigedasleng. However, Jaha assures her that they don't mean her any harm. They introduce themselves and Emori tells him how Wastelanders attacked her and her brother while they were on their way to the City of Light, and tells him that the Wastelanders took all of their stuff and killed her brother. Jaha orders somebody to give Emori water but Caspian doesn't want to give her any because they don't even have enough for themselves. However, John Murphy ignores Caspian and gives Emori water. Emori tells them many have tried to make it to The City of Light but hardly anyone makes it. She then she offers to help Jaha and his crew get there as long as they carry her cart. They agree to the deal and Jaha tells Caspian that he pulls the cart first.
Later on, Emori and Murphy share their stories of how they ended up in the Dead Zone. Murphy tells Emori about the time he "killed two people and tried to kill two more", and Emori shows Murphy her deformed hand. She claims that her people saw it as a stain in their bloodline and something to erase. Murphy tells Emori that she shouldn't cover her hand up because he thinks it's "pretty badass."

Emori holds a knife to Murphy's throat
In the end, it is revealed that Emori lied to Jaha about taking him to the City of Light and led the group into a trap. A man on a horse points a gun at the group, and Emori holds a knife to Murphy's throat and demands everyone put their weapons inside the cart. Murphy remarks that she isn't much different from any of the other Grounders. Jaha makes his crew put their weapons in the cart so Murphy is not harmed. Emori whispers something in Murphy's ear before knocking him out with the handle of the knife. When Murphy wakes up, Emori is gone but he tells Jaha and the others what she whispered to him. He says she said "Due North" and Murphy assumes that Emori was talking about the City of Light. The group starts heading North.
In Wanheda (Part 1), Emori drives the boat that picks up Thelonious Jaha, John Murphy, A.L.I.E. and Gideon from the Becca's Island. She recognizes John and exclaims that she doesn't believe that it's him. John, at first not willing to go with Thelonious, boards the boat, asking Emori who she stole it from.
In Wanheda (Part 2), Murphy calls out to Jaha, breaking through his mind journey to the City of Light and he opens his eyes, seated at the front of the boat that has arrived on-shore. Emori tries to unload the case containing A.L.I.E. and Gideon grabs it from her, taking it with him off the boat. Emori tells them they're going to the Dead Zone as they start walking.
Emori's brother, Otan, asks Jaha if he has really been to the City of Light. Jaha takes Otan off on a walk while Gideon sits and thinks his way into the City of Light. Emori tells Murphy that she and her brother were recruited by a female who comes to them in drones. They collect technology for her and bring it to Gideon on the island. Emori decides to go after the case while Gideon is sitting there in oblivion while he visits the City of Light. She tells Murphy they have other buyers and as she is about to take it, Gideon catches her and holds her by the throat. Murphy tries to get Gideon to put Emori down but no matter what he does, Gideon is unmoved, saying, "there is no pain in the City of Light." Emori stabs him in the neck, killing him. She grabs the case and takes off back to the boat. Murphy follows after.
Emori and Murphy are at the boat, waiting for Otan to arrive. Murphy tries to open the case and Emori tells him she will split whatever is in there with him. Murphy comments how all she had to do was kill a guy and she thanks him for saving her life, kissing him on the cheek. She pries open the case with her knife, revealing technology with the infinity symbol, which is the same logo stamped on the chip Jaha gave to Murphy. Murphy realizes the case is housing A.L.I.E. and Jaha had brought her with them. Otan shows up and demands the case from Murphy, taking Emori hostage. Jaha arrives as Emori asks what is going on. Murphy says that Otan "ate the damned chip" that Jaha gave him and threatens to drop the case into the water unless they let Emori go. Jaha starts proselytizing about the City of Light to Murphy and Murphy goes to drop the case in the water. Jaha and Otan give up and release Emori. Murphy throws the case far from them and into the water, leaving them running after it while he and Emori take off in the boat.
In Hakeldama, Murphy and Emori have now started a romantic relationship. They become thieves and steal from people they scam on the streets. Murphy pretends to be dead and a grounder comes along. The grounder is about to rob Murphy when Emori comes out and steals from him. They speak in Trigedasleng where the grounder man talks angrily to Emori. Murphy asks what he said and Emori says that the grounder said he is cute for a thief and the two kiss. Later Emori, oblivious to Otan's death, wants to go look for her brother, but Murphy refuses. Emori leaves without him to go search for Otan. She returns and says she will look for Otan when she can convince him to come with her. Some grounders arrive and Emori runs to hide, as they prepare another con. Murphy is found by Grounders from Polis, realizing he is the thief, and prepare to kill him. They ask him where the Emori is but Murphy lies and says that she left. They are about to kill but they find the pill Jaha gave him, calling it "the sacred symbol," and apprehend him to find out where he received the object. They then take Murphy away while Emori watches from afar.
In Demons, Emori returns to find Murphy. Murphy is walking with Ontari when Emori is disguised as a stall holder. She alerts his attention by pretending to offer him some squirrel. She says that the previous stall holder died a painful death and says that she had been looking for him ever since he left. When she heard that the Heda had a handsome Skaikru flamekeeper, it had to be him. Ontari walks back and asks if Murphy knows Emori. Murphy claims that he doesn't and tells Emori he will get away as soon as possible. Later, Murphy meet Emori at the old flamekeeper's room where she asks if him if he is ready to show her how much he missed her. The two enter and kiss but Emori recognizes some of the tech. She is also amazed by the wall art of Becca and the motto, 'Seek higher things' that depicts grounder mythology. Murphy is surprised that she believed in it and then kisses her neck. She asks him if he is sure that nobody will come in and Murphy says he is and the two have sex.
Later, Emori and Murphy are dressing and Emori asks how he pulled it off. Murphy explains that Ontari isn't really commander as she doesn't have the flame and she believes Murphy can help her become Commander. Murphy is called for by Ontari's men and he tells Emori to stay put as he will return later. Later, Jaha reveals to Ontari that he knows she is not really commander and he can help her. Ontari is angry that Murphy told Jaha, but Murphy didn't tell Jaha anything. Emori then enters and it is revealed that she took the key to the City of Light and A.L.I.E. heard what Murphy said which is how Jaha knew. Murphy sadly looks at Emori when he realizes she is chipped. Ontari is confused as Murphy said he didn't know Emori. Emori tells Ontari that she is Murphy's lover. Emori later comes into the throne room and tells Jaha that the gates are open to Polis.
In Red Sky at Morning, A.L.I.E. and Jaha call Emori to the City of Light as they need her help. Jaha tells Emori she can correct her defects in the City of Light and Emori replies that she would if she had any. A.L.I.E. tells her that Murphy is going for the backpack and sends Emori to intercept them. She arrives with many other chipped people to the flamekeepers room. Charles Pike nearly shoots her but Murphy stops him when he sees Emori. Murphy is about to destroy the backpack when Emori tells him it is a nuclear fuel cell and he will irradiate the city. They figure out how to destroy the backpack without irradiating Polis. A.L.I.E. tells Emori she needs to stall them until migration. Emori tells Murphy that it's not just A.L.I.E. in the backpack, it is everybody in the City of Light. If he destroys it then they will all be gone. Pike destroys it anyway and Murphy asks if Emori is okay but she just smiles and says they are too late. They cover Emori's face as they leave and when some chipped guards appear, the three of them are gone.
In Perverse Instantiation (Part 2), Emori along with Marcus Kane storm the tower. She is electrocuted and knocked unconscious after Octavia Blake distracts them. Later, she awakens and enters the tower. She begins to walk towards Murphy, who is pumping Ontari's heart when Clarke Griffin destroys A.L.I.E.. She awakens and calls Murphy's name. Murphy rushes over to her and they embrace. She cries and apologizes to Murphy.
In A Lie Guarded, she returns to Becca's Island with Abigail Griffin, Eric Jackson, Nathan Miller, John Murphy, Nyko, and Luna.
In Gimme Shelter, she overhears a conversation between Clarke and Abigail about needing someone for the Nightblood radiation experiment. Fearing that since she is a Frikdreina that she would be the one used, Emori lies about the identity of a Grounder scavenger.
In Praimfaya, Emori and the others in Becca's laboratory watch via drone as the death wave hits Polis. Raven Reyes tells them that they have 90 minutes before they have to launch. While she helps to prep the rocket, she notices Echo just standing and tells her to hurry up. Later, she listens when Raven finds out that the communications system on the rocket is damaged beyond repair. When Raven remembers that A.L.I.E. transmitted herself to The Ark, Emori remembers that A.L.I.E. used the pod in the temple to do it. Raven then sends Emori, Harper McIntyre and Echo back into the rocket to finish the restraints. When Raven and Harper come into the lab carrying the oxygen generator, Emori helps Harper carry it to the rocket. When Harper says she is going back to look for Monty Green, Emori becomes worried about John Murphy. When Bellamy and Murphy return carrying a hurt Monty, Emori and Murphy embrace. Raven tells everyone to refill their oxygen tanks and board the rocket. When the time has run out, Clarke Griffin has not returned to the lab. Emori wants to give her another minute, but they launch. When they reach space, Emori is visibly delighted by the lack of gravity. When Murphy tells Emori that he has only 10 percent oxygen left, Emori tells him that she has 17 percent. He tells her that he's glad that he won't have to watch her die. However, the power on the Ark comes on and they make it inside. When Raven runs out of air, Emori and Murphy carry her inside and Emori says that they will share their air with Raven. Before they can run out of air, Bellamy Blake and Monty get the oxygen generator installed and activated. Murphy pulls an unconscious Emori to the vent and she wakes up. Emori and Murphy pull Raven toward the vent and Raven wakes up.You can help this Wiki by explaining more about Emori in Season 5. If you're not interested, check the appearances section of this page.
In The Old Man and the Anomaly, Murphy proposes to Emori using two Mind Drives which would enable them to spend eternity together. Emori accepts his proposal, but is less than pleased when she discovers that Clarke is still alive and Josephine Lightbourne enlists their help to get rid of Clarke for good. Though Emori reluctantly goes along with the plan, she eventually reveals the truth to Bellamy, Madi, Jordan, Echo and Nathan Miller. Emori is shocked to realize that they already knew and didn't trust her due to her connection with Murphy. To help save Clarke, Emori helps draw Josephine out, but she takes Murphy hostage. With Sanctum guards approaching, Murphy orders his friends to take Josephine to the Children of Gabriel to remove Josephine's Mind Drive. Josephine seriously wounds Murphy in retaliation and Emori remains with Murphy as Bellamy takes Josephine through the shield and Echo escapes. Emori and Murphy are captured and brought before the Primes where Russell Lightbourne orders them locked up.
In Matryoshka, Emori remains locked up with her friends and recognizes that Murphy's desire for immortality comes out of a fear of what comes after death for him. Emori suggests that Murphy seek a path of morality, not immortality which he apparently takes to heart. After the assassination of Simone Lightbourne, Russell prepares to burn them at the stake, only to be talked out of it by Murphy in exchange for them making Nightblood for him using bone marrow.
In Ashes to Ashes, Emori is locked up separate from her friends and is used as leverage to help force Murphy to help Jade locate Josephine unharmed. Russell promises that if Murphy succeeds, he will allow Murphy and Emori to become Primes. When Murphy returns with "Josephine," Russell upholds his end of the bargain and releases Emori, sending Murphy to her side.
In Adjustment Protocol, Murphy and Emori are made into Nightbloods in anticipation for the coming Naming Day ceremony. Emori is reluctant to join the Primes due to their actions, but is convinced by Murphy. The two are dubbed Daniel and Kaylee Prime, both to hide the deaths of the real Daniel and Kaylee and to explain their presence amongst the Primes. Due to Murphy and Emori holding hands, Gabriel Santiago realizes that they aren't actually Daniel and Kaylee and lets the two know that Daniel and Kaylee are siblings. Murphy and Emori uncomfortably release each other's hand, but Russell dismisses the matter as unimportant.
As chaos breaks out as Priya Desai reveals the truth and Russell enacts the Adjustment Protocol, Simone is revealed to have been resurrected using Abby as a host and she forces Raven to agree to fly the Primes to Eligius IV. Disgusted and upset with everything that has happened, Murphy and Emori decide to walk away and are confronted by "Josephine." In tears, Murphy accuses her of murdering Clarke and the two announce that they intend to stay on Sanctum to save their friends. In tears herself, "Josephine" tells Murphy that she is proud of him, making Murphy to realize that it's actually Clarke posing as Josephine. Murphy tells Clarke that Josephine always called him John, causing Emori to stare at her in shock and awe. Murphy and Emori depart and Clarke covers for them by claiming that they are cowards who changed their minds. Though Russell bemoans the loss of the Mind Drives Murphy and Emori were implanted with, he allows them to go without a fight.
In The Blood of Sanctum, Murphy and Emori, posing as Daniel and Kaylee, rescue their friends from the Adjusters using their power as Primes. Murphy is somewhat shocked when Daniel's boyfriend Zev kissed him during the rescue. With innocent people in danger, Gabriel reveals that to infiltrate the tavern he needs Murphy's help as Daniel is the only one who will be credible going in. After some reluctance, Murphy agrees to risk his own life to save the innocent people that are trapped. Murphy and Gabriel overpower the Adjusters and the group succeeds in saving the innocent people while Clarke kills all of the Primes except for Russell who is arrested on Eligius IV.
In From the Ashes, Emori and the others move into the farmhouse that Russell had built for Simone. However, Eric Jackson is upset and traumatized when he feels like Murphy was involved in Abigail Griffin's death. Clarke states that she does not blame Murphy for her mother's death and forgives him for his role in it. Later, as Emori reads to him from Kaylee Lee's journal, Murphy admits that he does feel guilty for Abby's death, blaming himself for all of his choices that he believes led to Abby being killed. Murphy rejects his guise as Daniel Lee despite the fact that the others think it might help to keep the peace in the long run. When a riot breaks out, Murphy and Emori intervene, using their status as Daniel and Kaylee to help calm the situation on Raven's suggestion as well as information Emori read in Kaylee's journal.
In False Gods, Murphy and Emori are lying together in bed when Raven arrives to seek Emori's help with a reactor problem, calling upon Emori's help when they lived together on the Ark. However, the two women discover James Crockett missing and rising levels of radiation, leading to the gruesome discovery of the bodies of James and Cora. Raven realizes that the reactor is going into a deadly meltdown soon unless it is stopped. As a result, Raven gathers Clarke, Murphy, Emori and Indra to discuss the problem. Raven reveals that she needs the help of Clarke, Murphy and Emori as they are Nightbloods which will help to protect them from the deadly levels of gamma radiation the reactor is giving off. Both Clarke and Murphy volunteer Clarke for the job, but Clarke can't be spared as she needs to focus on "Russell's" execution. Instead, Raven assigns Emori to fixing the reactor control rods while Murphy will wait outside and take over if Emori can't finish the job in 60 seconds.
After Raven recruits Hatch and three other Eligius Prisoners to repair the cooling system, reactor repairs begin with little time to conduct them with Murphy expressing discontent over Raven's lies to the prisoners about how dangerous it will be. As Emori works on the reactor, Murphy waits outside and urges her to hurry up. Emori manages to lower the control rods, struggling with one briefly that is blocked by James' wrench which caused the original problem. Though Emori succeeds in fixing the control rods, she takes a few seconds too long and Murphy rushes her off to a decontamination shower and then to Raven. However, fixing the control rods only slows down the meltdown, not stops it completely.
With time running out, Murphy urges Raven to help the others fix the cooling system, offering to "spin the dials" for her but Raven rejects Murphy's suggestion as it is too complicated for Murphy to take over for her. As both Murphy and Emori become sick from the radiation, Raven realizes that the radiation is leaking worse than she thought since Murphy had never entered the primary containment chamber. Hatch and the other Eligius prisoners become terminally ill from the radiation and Raven lies to them about the source of their illness. As Hatch calls for more nitrogen, Raven reassures Murphy that Emori will be alright as Nightblood metabolizes radiation and they will get her to Jackson once the danger is over. However, if the reactor melts down completely, not even Nightblood will save them.
Raven sends Murphy to deliver the nitrogen to Hatch and promptly locks him in the secondary containment chamber with the prisoners, relying on Murphy's self-preservation instinct to force him to help fix the problem. Murphy aids the ailing Hatch in the repair and Hatch, recognizing Murphy as a Nightblood and a Prime, reveals that he already knows the truth and is continuing on for his wife Nikki, recognizing that Murphy is trying to save Emori. Working together, Hatch and Murphy manage to repair the cooling system at the last possible second, narrowly averting a meltdown. Hatch dies from the radiation moments later and Murphy crouches sadly over his body.
After the meltdown is averted, Murphy and Raven remove the bodies to the machine shop while Emori sits nearby and watches. As Murphy stands over Hatch's body, an upset Raven states that she's responsible. Murphy agrees, commenting that "the mighty have fallen. Welcome to the world of gray." Nikki enters with a few other Eligius prisoners looking for her husband and violently assaults Raven in her rage. Murphy and Emori attempt to intervene, but are both thrown aside multiple times. Finally, the other prisoners drag a still-screaming Nikki away. Murphy and Emori attempt to help Raven to Medical, but she rejects their help as she sits and cries. Shortly after, Murphy, Raven and Emori enter Medical for treatment of their injuries and radiation poisoning.
In Welcome to Bardo, Emori and Murphy are in the infirmary recovering from their radiation exposure when the Faithful start threatening self-immolation to get "Russell" released. Emori is still too weak to help defuse the situation as Kaylee, forcing the sufficiently recovered Murphy to go in alone. After Murphy's cover is blown, Emori comes to the rescue with Indra and Sheidheda. She flirts with Murphy and recognizes that something is wrong as Indra deduces the Dark Commander's true identity.
In A Little Sacrifice, Emori and Murphy tend to the badly injured survivors in the aftermath of Sheidheda's massacre and Murphy quickly realizes that the Dark Commander is going after Madi. Racing to find Madi, Murphy comforts the young girl through a panic attack and he and Emori promise to look after her while Indra goes after Sheidheda with Murphy ordering Indra to "get the bastard."
Along with Murphy, Emori helps tend to the injured in the room containing the Primes' bones and watches surviving members of the Faithful eye them with distrust and openly call Murphy a liar for pretending to be Daniel. Uncomfortable, Murphy tells Emori that everyone hates them, but she feels that they are at least alive to hate them which Murphy doesn't believe will last long before Sheidheda comes back to finish what he started. Murphy points out how Indra's guards, who were Trikru and loyal to her, were being swayed by Sheidheda's words. Emori states that even if the Dark Commander does take control, the people aren't a threat to him but Murphy, recalling his chess game with the Dark Commander, knows that they will be: when they played, Sheidheda made sure to take Murphy's pawns so that they couldn't move across the board to get promoted. Murphy believes that taking out the Faithful so that they can't get revenge will only be below killing Madi on Sheidheda's list of priorities. Murphy insists that the Sanctummites are in danger and acknowledges that he's aware that they are in danger too if they help them.
After Sheidheda defeats Indra in single combat, he discovers Murphy, Emori and the Sanctumites gone and orders them hunted down. Having anticipated the Dark Commander's victory, Murphy is revealed to have moved everyone to Sanctum's reactor room and sealed the door so that no one can get at them. Murphy reassures Jeremiah and his son that they are safe in the reactor room and tells Emori that the next step is "tomorrow's problem. Today we survive. All of us." Pleased by this, Emori tells Murphy that he just might be someone worth believing in.
In The Last War, Murphy, Jackson and Raven race Emori into Medical on Sanctum where Raven manages to revive her with a defibrillator. With Emori having lost too much blood, Jackson begins taking a transfusion from Murphy while Raven rushes to rescue their friends. Shortly after Miller arrives, Jackson begins removing the rebar, but Emori dies despite their best efforts to save her. Devastated, Murphy requests that Jackson remove Emori's Mind Drive which contains her consciousness and place it into his own head despite the risks. When Jackson refuses, Murphy begins doing it himself before Miller convinces Jackson to help.
Emori awakens in a Mindspace taking the form of a bedroom overlooking the Dead Zone where she and Murphy met. Murphy greets Emori, reminiscing on their first meeting and how it was "love at first knife to throat." Murphy explains that they are in the Mindspace and Emori realizes that she died which Murphy confirms, stating that it wasn't acceptable. Emori realizes that Murphy put her Mind Drive into his head which will inevitably prove fatal for him. Murphy defends his decision, stating that without her, he'd only be surviving instead of living. Desperate not to let Murphy die, Emori orders him to wake up and begins yelling for Jackson to wake him up. Murphy calms Emori down and as music begins playing, they start dancing together to the music that Jackson and Miller are simultaneously dancing to in the real world. Later, Murphy and Emori are lying in bed together when the human race begins transcending. Embracing each other, Murphy and Emori transcend together.
When Clarke, the sole person to not transcend, returns to Earth, the Judge reveals that her friends have chosen to return to human form and live out their lives on Earth. Amongst the group is Emori, her mind now restored in her original body, who joins the others in greeting Clarke as she joins them.
Emori is very cunning and intelligent individual. She is also shown to be very distrustful of strangers and will sacrifice anything for her own survival. She usually still wears a glove to cover her mutated hand, but in Season Five, her personality changes a lot. She has a softer side and doesn't show her aggressive side. She is naturally curious and is interested in learning new things, especially engineering and mechanical things, so became Raven‘s assistant. She also stopped wearing her glove as often; especially around Spacekru.
She is known to show great loyalty to those she cares for. Despite her quick witted sass, she is a very emotionally deep person who’s known to hold deep emotions for her friends. She’s playful and vibrant, often teasing those around her. Emori is extremely intelligent but this does not always make her the most self aware as she’s shown to have a great desire to be loved and accepted as she wasn’t growing up as an outcast. She’s very blunt, often spelling things out as they are and has a very a realistic outlook on those around her, recognizing and observing the traits of their nature and accepting them. Over the course of the show she is shown to be gentler, and by the final season is one of the more caring characters.
Emori is also extremely independent and can care for herself. She does not like to be seen as vulnerable or someone who needs to fondled over. She’s spent her whole life as a nomad, taking care of herself. She’s also quite a flirt when it comes to her relationships, pointing out the strange and out-there things she’ll find attractive.
Physical Appearance[]

Emori's deformed hand.
Emori is of average height with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has olive skin and has a tattoo on her face. One of her hands is deformed which she keeps covered up. She wears Grounder clothing and a bandana.
In Season 5, after the six year jump, Emori's dark brown hair was cut shoulder length and she no longer covered her deformed hand. She still wears a bandana, but it is newer and her clothing appears to be of Ark regulation. Later on, she is shown to wear the ”Prime outfits” usually wearing a memorable blue dress, sometimes with a dark vest over. Her skin is slightly paler and cleaner as she isn’t constantly exposed in the sand and sunlight.
John Murphy[]
- "Good luck, John."
- - Emori wishing John Murphy good luck on his journey.[src]

Emori meets Murphy in Rubicon. The two seem to hold a certain respect for one another because neither one of them judges the other one after they share their stories of how they ended up in the Dead Zone. Later on, Emori leads Murphy and the people he is with into a trap, however, she tells Murphy to "Due North" before knocking him out. When Murphy wakes up, he assumes that she is talking about the City of Light and leads his group North.
The two reunite in Wanheda (Part 1) and begin a romantic relationship in Hakeldama. They break up during the 6 year time jump but they finally reconciled.Appearances[]
Season Two | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
The 48 | Absent |
Inclement Weather | Absent |
Reapercussions | Absent |
Many Happy Returns | Absent |
Human Trials | Absent |
Fog of War | Absent |
Long Into an Abyss | Absent |
Spacewalker | Absent |
Remember Me | Absent |
Survival of the Fittest | Absent |
Coup de Grâce | Absent |
Rubicon | Appears |
Resurrection | Absent |
Bodyguard of Lies | Mentioned |
Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1) | Absent |
Blood Must Have Blood (Part 2) | Absent |
Season Three | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
Wanheda (Part 1) | Appears |
Wanheda (Part 2) | Appears |
Ye Who Enter Here | Absent |
Watch the Thrones | Absent |
Hakeldama | Appears |
Bitter Harvest | Absent |
Thirteen | Absent |
Terms and Conditions | Absent |
Stealing Fire | Absent |
Fallen | Mentioned |
Nevermore | Absent |
Demons | Appears |
Join or Die | Absent |
Red Sky at Morning | Appears |
Perverse Instantiation (Part 1) | Absent |
Perverse Instantiation (Part 2) | Appears |
Season Four | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
Echoes | Appears |
Heavy Lies the Crown | Absent |
The Four Horsemen | Appears |
A Lie Guarded | Appears |
The Tinder Box | Absent |
We Will Rise | Absent |
Gimme Shelter | Appears |
God Complex | Appears |
DNR | Appears |
Die All, Die Merrily | Absent |
The Other Side | Mentioned |
The Chosen | Appears |
Praimfaya | Appears |
Season Five | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
Eden | Appears |
Red Queen | Absent |
Sleeping Giants | Appears |
Pandora's Box | Mentioned |
Shifting Sands | Appears |
Exit Wounds | Appears |
Acceptable Losses | Absent |
How We Get to Peace | Appears |
Sic Semper Tyrannis | Appears |
The Warriors Will | Absent |
The Dark Year | Appears |
Damocles (Part 1) | Appears |
Damocles (Part 2) | Appears |
Season Six | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
Sanctum | Appears |
Red Sun Rising | Appears |
The Children of Gabriel | Appears |
The Face Behind the Glass | Mentioned |
The Gospel of Josephine | Mentioned |
Memento Mori | Appears |
Nevermind | Mentioned |
The Old Man and the Anomaly | Appears |
What You Take With You | Absent |
Matryoshka | Appears |
Ashes to Ashes | Mentioned |
Adjustment Protocol | Appears |
The Blood of Sanctum | Appears |
Season Seven | |
Episode | Appearance Status |
From the Ashes | Appears |
The Garden | Absent |
False Gods | Appears |
Hesperides | Absent |
Welcome to Bardo | Appears |
Nakara | Appears |
The Queen's Gambit | Appears |
Anaconda | Absent |
The Flock | Appears |
A Little Sacrifice | Appears |
Etherea | Absent |
The Stranger | Appears |
Blood Giant | Appears |
A Sort of Homecoming | Appears |
The Dying of the Light | Appears |
The Last War | Appears |
- Emori (to Thelonious Jaha): "My brother and I were on our way to The City of Light, and Wastelanders attacked. They took our horse, all our water, everything. They killed him. This cart is all I have left."
- Emori (to Thelonious Jaha): "Everyone in the Dead Zone is looking for The City of Light. Almost no one finds it. I can get you there. If you pull my cart."
- Emori (to John Murphy): "If I told you, you would not look at me the same."
- Emori (to John Murphy): "My people saw me as a stain on the bloodline, something to erase."
- Emori: "Everybody put your weapons and supplies in the cart and nobody gets hurt."
- Thelonious Jaha: "If we give you our supplies we all die out here."
- Emori: "If you don't you'll die right here."
- -- in Rubicon
- Thelonious Jaha (about her hand): "Emori, you know you can correct your defects.
- Emori: "I would if I had any."
- -- in Red Sky at Morning
- John Murphy: "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right."
- Emori: "Stop it. Here. Listen to this. Kaylee changed because of love too. Isaac, a Null, made her see what they'd become."
- John Murphy: "Aww. Farmer loving the pig she leads to the slaughter."
- -- in From the Ashes
- Emori: "Indra, what is it? Let us help."
- Indra: "Sheidheda."
- Emori: "What? In Madi? But I thought--"
- Indra: "Not in Madi. In Russell. When we removed the Flame from Madi, Sheidheda's consciousness disappeared into the computer. From there, it jumped into the..."
- John Murphy and Indra: "Mind Drive."
- John Murphy: "Yeah."
- Emori: "So kill him."
- John Murphy: "We can't. Fanatics think he's Russell. They'll burn it all down. Of course, if we tell them he isn't Russell, they'll still burn it all down. Either way, their god is dead."
- Emori: "Which will be the least of our worries because if we tell them, Wonkru will know Sheidheda is back."
- John Murphy: "You really think they'd follow him?"
- Indra: "Sangedakru would, and eventually, the others would kneel. I've seen it before. That's why we need Madi."
- John Murphy: "No, that is why we need you. I mean, come on, Indra. We weren't actually in that bunker, but I don't think it takes a genius to figure out who was really running things down there while Octavia was painting her face with blood. Besides, who's bossier than you?"
- Indra: "I'm a soldier, a warrior. That's my role, always has been."
- Emori: "Indra, the fact that you don't want it, it's why you should do it."
- Indra: "Get rid of this."
- John Murphy: "Can we at least watch?"
- Indra: "No."
- John Murphy: "I'm gonna watch."
- -- in Nakara
- John Murphy: "You like this. Being the queen of the castle, being worshipped."
- Emori: "Don't be ridiculous. 'Sides, you've worshipped me for years."
- -- in The Queen's Gambit
- Emori: "Come here. I've got almost all the DNA samples from the Children of Gabriel."
- Eric Jackson: "That's great, but maybe we should talk about why you're doing this instead of doing it."
- Emori: "Ha. Oh, you really are in shrink mode today, aren't you?"
- Eric Jackson: "Your parents left you out to die, Emori, just like the Children of Gabriel."
- Emori: "If I can give these people peace and, yes, heal myself at the same time, how is that a bad thing?"
- John Murphy: "Maybe he can do a better job talking you out of it than I did."
- Emori: (to Murphy) "He can't."
- John Murphy: "Yeah, yeah."
- Emori: (to Jackson) "I'll get you the rest of the DNA. You get me the names of their parents."
- -- in The Queen's Gambit
- Nikki: "Isn't this a lovely party."
- Emori: "What the hell are you doing?"
- -- in The Queen's Gambit
- John Murphy: "Indra, what are you doing?"
- Indra: "Killing a demon. Do you have a problem with that? Good. Get some rest. You've both had a long day."
- Emori: "We should go, before they come for us. What?"
- John Murphy: "This is what he wanted. Open the door!"
- Penn: "Only on Indra's word."
- John Murphy: "Listen. It's not one man screaming. Sheidheda's killing them."
- Knight: "What did you just say?"
- Sheidheda (in Trigedasleng) "Open the door! My fight is just beginning!"
- -- in The Flock
- Emori: "So, what now?"
- John Murphy: "That's tomorrow's problem. Today we survive, all of us."
- Emori: "Don't look now, John, but I think you just might be someone worth believing in."
- -- in A Little Sacrifice
- John Murphy: "Of course we'll kneel. Was there ever any question?"
- Penn: "These are yours." (tosses down Murphy and Emori's clothes)
- John Murphy: "Ah. Why do I get the feeling this is goodbye?"
- Sheidheda: "The palace is mine now. So is the farmhouse. For you, that means --"
- Emori: "We'll take the machine shop."
- John Murphy: "You need a mechanic to run the reactor. She's your girl. Besides, you wouldn't want your favorite chess partner to live in a tent, would you?"
- Sheidheda: "Fine. Go."
- -- in The Stranger
- John Murphy: "Hey. How do I look on camera?"
- Emori: "Oh, good. She followed Indra?"
- John Murphy: "Yeah. You know, I'm starting to miss being a live coward."
- -- in The Stranger
- Trey: "You let the bugs in."
- Emori: "Yeah. Two bugs with one stone. Let's just hope its not three."
- -- in Blood Giant
- John Murphy: "Let me ask you something. When you let Hatch and his buddies die, was that just to save your friends?"
- Raven Reyes: "We passed a workshop down here."
- John Murphy: "6 years of watching Bellamy manipulate her on the Ring. Damn it."
- Emori: "I know. I miss him, too."
- John Murphy: "Yeah."
- -- in A Sort of Homecoming
- John Murphy: "What is taking you so long?"
- Raven Reyes: "Miracles take time. Hero Murphy's kinda freaking me out."
- Emori: "I know... but it's hot."
- John Murphy: "I'm right here and also I'm not a hero, I just think the people on Sanctum deserve to live on a planet that doesn't eat them or occasionally drive them insane."
- -- in A Sort of Homecoming
- Octavia Blake: "In peace, may you leave this shore. In love..."
- Hope Diyoza: "No!"
- Octavia Blake: "May you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground."
- Gabriel Santiago (in Spanish) "Death is life."
- Octavia Blake: "May we meet again."
- Jordan Green, Hope Diyoza, Clarke Griffin, John Murphy, Emori, Nathan Miller and Eric Jackson: "May we meet again."
- -- in A Sort of Homecoming
- John Murphy: "Emori, Emori, say something!"
- Emori: "Something."
- -- in The Dying of the Light
- Eric Jackson: "I can't do surgery out of my pack. I need an actual surgical theater, sterile equipment, medicine. I need to get to Sanctum."
- Raven Reyes: "The helmet showed me the Stone was in the rec room. We find it, open the bridge and jump over."
- Emori: "What about Madi? What about the rest of our friends?"
- Raven Reyes: "We will worry about them later. Right now, you are the priority."
- John Murphy: "Yeah. Damn right. We only have one problem. We couldn't find the Stone."
- Raven Reyes: "Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there."
- -- in The Dying of the Light
- John Murphy: "I remember that. The place we first met. Love at first knife to throat. Oh, you are so beautiful."
- Emori: "John, where are we?"
- John Murphy: "Josephine called it the Mindspace. If it were up to me I would've chosen our cave, but..."
- Emori: "I died."
- John Murphy: "You did. Not acceptable."
- Emori: "You put my Mind Drive in your head. Two minds, one body. You'll die, too. You have to take it out."
- John Murphy: "Without you, I'd just be surviving, Emori, I wouldn't be living."
- Emori: "No, no."
- John Murphy: "Hey, hey. I would take a few more hours with you over forever without."
- Emori: "No, no, no. You can't do this. I won't let you do this, so wake up."
- John Murphy: "Emori..."
- Emori: "Wake up. Just wake up! (shoves Murphy) Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Jackson! Jackson! Wake him up!"
- John Murphy: "Emori."
- Emori: "Don't let him do this! Jackson! John! John! (Murphy grabs her) Let go of me!"
- John Murphy: "Stop! Stop! This is ok with me."
- Emori: "No, it's not ok with me."
- John Murphy: "It's ok, it's ok." (music begins playing)
- Emori: "What is that? (Murphy laughs) What?"
- John Murphy: "The last time I asked you to dance you stabbed me with a butcher knife."
- Emori: "Relationships."
- John Murphy: "Yeah." (Murphy and Emori dance together)
- -- in The Last War
- Clarke Griffin: "I don't wanna be alone."
- The Judge (as Lexa) "You're not."
- Clarke Griffin: "What do you want?"
- The Judge: "To explain."
- Clarke Griffin: "There's no need. I get it. I bear it so they don't have to. Again."
- The Judge: "Such a curious species. You've added so much to us already. I'm glad to have been wrong about you."
- Clarke Griffin: "Wait. Does that mean... you're here to take me with you?"
- The Judge: "No. You can never join us, Clarke. Your actions must have a cost."
- Clarke Griffin: "Just mine? Am I the only human being who ever sinned?"
- The Judge: "Of course not. But you are the only test subject from any species anywhere in the universe since the dawn of time who committed murder during a test."
- Clarke Griffin: "I'd do it again."
- The Judge: "Madi knew you'd say that."
- Clarke Griffin: "Madi's with you then?"
- The Judge: "In a manner of speaking, yes. Her consciousness has joined ours. She's at peace. She'll never feel pain, she'll never die. She knew that living here without anyone her own age to love is something you wouldn't have wanted for her even if it meant you being alone. I suppose that choice was made easier with the realization that you wouldn't be."
- Clarke Griffin: "Transcendence is a choice? You can choose to come back?"
- The Judge: "Of course. Though, until now, no one ever had. (Clarke sees her friends nearby) There won't be offspring, and they won't join us when they die. None of them seem to care."
- John Murphy: "Hey. There she is."
- Niylah: "Clarke!"
- The Judge: "A curious species, indeed."
- -- in The Last War
Killed Victims[]
- Gideon (stabbed in the neck in self-defense)
- Rock Line Thief (indirectly; manipulated Abby and Jackson to use him as a guinea pig for the Nightblood serum)
- Roz Rankin and one unnamed Eligius Prisoner (explosion alongside John Murphy)
- 2 Eligius Prisoners (gunned down with the rover with Echo)
- 3 members of Wonkru (lowered the Sanctum shield causing them to be devoured by the Sanctum bugs)
Notes and Trivia[]
- She is a Nomadic Grounder and part of the second Nomadic Grounder group seen on the show (after Sienna's family). Her group consists of her and her brother, Otan.
- She is the second Grounder to mention the City of Light. The first is Sienna.
- She is the second Grounder introduced that has a deformity. The first is Zoran.
- Emori's name came from the District of Columbia War Memorial.[1]
- In "Gimme Shelter" and "God Complex", details about "Baylis" suggest that Emori and Otan may have once been members of Sangedakru, but this is never confirmed.
- She is one of only two Grounders to ever set foot on The Ark. The other is Echo.
- She has worn her bandana in every episode that she appears in, until "Praimfaya".
- Emori, Echo, Indra and Penn are the only characters introduced in Season Two that are known to be still alive.
- She is presumably the last Frikdreina (mutated human) alive, since the Second Nuclear Apocalypse and the Damocles Event.
- Emori is the second red-blooded Grounder and the first Frikdreina to become a Nightblood. The first was Echo.
- Her status as a Nightblood is at first suggested though not outright stated by her new status as a Prime. It is later confirmed in "False Gods."
- Emori stopped wearing her bandana in Season Six.
- Despite the death of her original body in "The Last War" she was resurrected within Murphy's body after he put her Mind Drive into his head. She was able to achieve transcendence due to being active in a body at the moment it was achieved, and when she chose to return to human form she was restored in her original body.
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