I just spent 11 minutes and 3 seconds yelling at my tv, because Bellamy sold Clarke and the others out, i get it isn't his fault since he's blinded by 'for all mankind'
BUT I JUST YELLED A 'I HATE YOU' a million times
I know it's weird, but I want someone important to die... just for the sake of the show, it would be so cool. I really want Clarke to pass, because she could be reunited with Lexa or something, even though I ship Bellarke, it'd be better like that. I feel like she would die sacrificing herself, seeing as it's 'her thing'
Also he was such a cute pie in season 1
Bellamy is flucking awesome. Die? Like god that's blunt. The first half of you rant is from season one.. excuse me? We on season 7 now hunny. Literally half of the cast in season 1 were like Bellamy. Murphy, Nathan, Monroe, all good characters. Pike was using Gina's death as an advantage to get Bell on his team which is just cruel! Jasper attacked the bridge, not Bellamy. Bell was just going off of Jasper's insticts, and he cared about Clarke, so... I don't think he'd want her to die. Bellamy didn't even want to leave Clarke! He was waiting for her! and I'm pretty sure he was the last one waiting too! Like why should you add that to your bellamy hate list? Add it to someone elses. Echo was about to commit suicide, and Bellamy stopped that... How is that a bad thing?? Also you should just call this Echo must die seeing there are quite a lot of things about her in this too. I apologize for going off like this, but I must say.... Bellamy is flucking amazing, how can you say that? His character has grown so much, and he is such a great character. What if he wasn't even there? Half the stuff in the show would be gone. *Huff* Okay.. cya, I gotta get back to writing mai fanfiction, later peeps
Damn that'd be cool, good question.
I feel like he's just blinded for the whole 'for mankind' bullshit. I think he's actually brainwashed unlike echo, octavia, and diyoza who were pretending.
I just spent 11 minutes and 3 seconds yelling at my tv, because Bellamy sold Clarke and the others out, i get it isn't his fault since he's blinded by 'for all mankind'
BUT I JUST YELLED A 'I HATE YOU' a million times
I have never agreed more
Oof also now that I think about it I was only 10 when I first watched the show. I first watched in 2017, lol
Okay literally, this is my opinion, everyone else can have their own but if I was a nine year old and didn't know about the show the 100, I would want my older sibling to show me cause like.. it's awesome
So basically, I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks Sinclair was Raven's father. I definitely get that kind of vibe from them and even Lindsay Morgan thinks that he is her father...
Yeah, idk I'm just kinda bored
I feel like Clarke and her will have some kind of meeting, even if it is not real, like in a dream, or the flame, something has got to happen, (Even if i don't ship)
Oh I loved it! I found it so cool
Does it really matter everyone? So what she's 9? I get there are inappropriate scenes, but like.. so?
I definitely think some of the cast will die off closer to the ending, but I don't think Murphy would be one of them, I like the reasons you chose for his death, though. Protecting Madi or Emori are good reasons, but honestly I think if he does die, he'll die protecting Clarke, I know, I know, they haven't had the best friendship, but I think it would be really sweet, anyone else??
I didn't really like him, I found him annoying in season 3, but in 4, I started liking him, and the only reason I cried when he died, was when I remembered Wells, and imagined him with his father and mother together
Season 1 is awesome, it starts the whole show. Of course it has a different feel, because it's the 1st, it shows their first time on earth, sorry if you don't feel the same. The acting gets better because they've been in their character for longer times. Also no offense, but it gets less and less realistic, lol. I mean c'mon, they go on a different planet... how realistic, lol
Now that I think about it some more, Probably Octavia, but Murphy is a close second. Octavia was that girl with Atom, and then Lincoln changed her, she was strong and amazing, then his death... She became the red queen, and killed many people, and now in season 7, she's different
Totally Murphy! I think he's underrated, but he used to be that jerk with a bowl cut, and know, he's a really good character! I'm glad he has Emori.
I believe In Bellarke, so no offence to Clexa, Blecho, or any other ship.
I feel like we would have seen Nate grieving if it happened when the acid ran happened, because they were still together then right? I think tho, since they broke up close to the end of season 4, he died, cause they had no use for him anymore..... right?