That touching moment between bellamy and Clarke was moral support as leaders and not romantic intentions.
I agree with what you said and finally liked this episode, best one so far in my opinion... And i was glad to see Luna's back, I actually like her character and expected to have already seen more of her last season. Hoping to see a lot more of her this season... better late than never !
Thank you for that, of course it was moral support as friends and not with romantic intentions... they have zero chemistry and I would hate to see them become a couple after everything that went down. It would be totally forced, weird and pointless, definitely don't want to see it happening... no way !
But I actually discussed this not too long ago with others, one of them was saying they didn't for one second buy that it was a complete schedule clash and she couldn't do both. It was more that sheis only wanted to dedicate her time to the show she thought would pay off for her (Fear the Walking Dead). It is no secret that she thought it would be HUGE. Guess she didn't antipate the criticism she would get and that her risk fell through, it is pretty clear now that she made the bad choice. If she stuck with Lexa, she could have been huge in her own right. But Alicia Clark? Hardly anyone is talking about that character, she is not unique or special. If Alycia wasn't Lexa first, nobody would know who she is at this stage.
So do I think that if Jason did some serious grovelling, maybe even offering a bonus, that she might either ask to be killed off Fear or magically be able to do both again? I think it is VERY possible. Alycia knows who people really love, LEXA. And money talks. Unless Fear does so happen to get cancelled as you say. But that could still take a while.
As for The 100 though, it totally needs her. I said it before and I will say it again, it's true ending should have been season 3. With the ratings downfall and its constant frustrating plot, it is rightly on its way out. NOBODY can replace Lexa no matter who they introduce. EVER. All the good characters except Clarke are already dead!
Well you said a lot of things that are actually true, but i have to disagree with two:
1. I don't think Alycia wanted to completely leave The 100 and definitely not for good, she loved Lexa and portraying her, it was clear. I think things got complicated with she being a regular on other show, and specially a supposedly big one with a demanding shooting schedule and Jason made the worse decision ever by killing her off instead of bothering to figure out a way of work around it and leave her storyline open, with the option of coming back if it was possible in the future, which had a high probability of happening. So he basically just wasted one of the most incredble characters ever, like that, like they grow on trees or something. So unbelievably stupid... i can't even begin to understand!
2. Clarke isn't the only good character left, we still have Octavia who I think is an awesome badass character and there are others really cool like Raven, Roan, Indra...!
I don't think Bellamy was impressed though. But yeah, I agree, a second apocalypse caused by an A.I was really overboard. I don't want The 100 to be cancelled at all though, I just want it to be fixed. I want more grounders, less sky people and I want Lexa!!!!! Ughhh I miss her so much, out of any tv show or movie ever she was the one person I was urging to live, the ONE person!!! But the last couple of episodes of season 4 were frustrating. I miss her, it's like a huge chunk of the show is gone. :(
I totally know what you mean i feel it too... everytime they talk about Lexa i miss her and imagine how awesome the show would still be with her in it.
I feel like we've missed a whole interesting important storyline that could and should have been the third season... the war between the clans due to disagreements over the coalition and/or the war between the coalition and Azgeda, with Lexa leading in her awesome badass clever way.
This was everything I wanted and was expecting to see before they decided to take the show down the hill and started killing everyone making the story a complete mess, with everyone turning against each other and leaving no one to lead the coalition.
Anyway this is nothing but water under the bridge now and there's nothing we can do about it unfortunately... Let's just hope they find a way to make the show interesting again even after the loss of all the characters they killed last season and the loss of one of the most incredible and unique characters ever, Lexa.
Honestly if this show is to have any future or any more seasons, it will most likely be because in ALIE house they'll find some nanotechnology. Raven uses her prodigious programming skills to program them to feed of the radiation. Convert it into other non lethal elements, and thus the world is saved very conveniently. Raven does the work, Clarke pulls a lever and the world is saved in the last episode.
And for a possible next season. The same nanomachines used to save them, evolves beyond its programming. And that's how season 4 ends. We see some animal or group of animals being swallowed up by some sort of goo or mass, and from that we get new cybernetic creatures. And from there on we could call this show Horizon. Because it would be basically the same as the game. Humans having to fight against the machines.
Really far-fetched in my opinion... Anyway if Jason decides once again to have the unfortunate and ridiculous idea of making a complete (even bigger) mess of the show, i think it will definitely be put out of its misery and cancelled before we have to watch it completely get off the rails like that and become a totally different kind of show from the one we started watching and love.
But I totally agree he took the storyline to an extremely complex direction, very difficult to develop in a credible plausible way. They already are and will absolutely be pushing credibility to its maximum this season.
As for Octavia, she's actually one of the very few characters still left that actually makes me want to keep watching the show and keeps me interested... she's become such a badass and i love it ! She's become to cold too fast 'cause basically her life also fell apart too fast, it's more than justified the way she is right now and it totally suits her.
Oh and loved Octavia's new grounder tattoo and the whole look actually... so cool and sexy !
Well i think it's def. a possibility but only for the very end of the show, 'cause she's the main lead character, so killing her before that would be the most fucked up plot decision ever... kind of like killing Lexa, but worse, 'cause i don't see a way to come back from that.
Anyway i don't think it's the only option for her character... like at all.
Can you picture Bellamy saying something insensitive about the Grounders or Lincoln while idly standing next to the edge of the oil rig? Then Octavia would turn and kick him off, like Lexa did with the IN rep. Would be an epic scene, even if he'd survive it! :D
I actually laughed when i read your idea... That's how much i'm disliking Bellamy's character right now.
Totally support that scene... It would indeed be an epic one like Lexa's! Hahaha
And I'm even less interested in her little hissy feat with Bellamy. She forsake Trikru at the end of S2 finale for her brother - same shit's going to happen again. If she was really mad she would've used her sword on him.
You're right he went too far to be redeemed in a lifetime... But he just won't die any time soon 'cause of 2 reasons:
1. He's a regular and a main character on the show, and God knows they can't afford to keep this character's killing rate, or they won't have any left to keep the show going. Although sometimes it seems like, The 100 actually is not GOT, they don't have the same numerous characters, to just kill as they wish.
2. They're probably gonna make Bellarke happen at some point because of ratings, now they lost so many Lexa's and Clexa's fans. They can't do that if he's dead.
But i must say, when i saw Clarke actually hugging him in the last episode i basically rolled my eyes and stopped looking at the screen... it's just too bad and doesn't make any sense for all of the reasons we've all mentioned here over and over again.
It makes even less sense and it gets almost painful, after the incredible Clexa relationship we've seen and whose potential was just completely wasted. For what?! For nonsense Bellarke now to happen? Please, we deserve better than that... and Clarke too for sure!
Yea i see your point... And probably you're right. But i'm not ready yet to give up on my hope that maybe, just maybe, the finale won't be exactly like everyone is expecting and they won't close the door for good on Lexa's character.
It's a long shot i'm well aware and a very unlikely one... But i'm still and always will be 'hoping for the best but expecting the worst'!
Only in the finale i'll get my final answer, i guess... we never know with this show!
No problem, glad i could help! ;)
Yes that's right, i would like to see her on an actual interview though like the ones we saw with the rest of the cast, but again, we only saw with regulars, we never saw with guest stars i guess... I would love to see her in a Con with The 100 cast.
Yes she did Paleyfest and some Cons for FTWD, 'cause she's a regular, so she was part of the panels.
That's ok, now you know... Just had to clarify that 'cause it's definitely not the same thing, Portugal, Brazil and Spain are three completely different countries. Only Portugal and Brazil share the same language, Portuguese, with different accent, it's like the UK and US English basically.
Sorry i'm not familiar with the tca press event. But i've never even seen any interview with Alycia about The 100, just a very short one (around 2 min i guess) with her and Adina Porter answering some very quick questions... I would very much like to see her talk further about her character and the show, never got that chance.
Spanish? Really? It's Brazil...! They speak Portuguese (with Brazilian accent, PT-BR), as we do here in Portugal, where the language originally came from.
But yes, apparently they're going, though i find it very strange, Alycia never went to any CON with The 100, 'cause she never was a regular on the show... So why start now when she's not even in the show anymore?
I see both your points Alex.saka and Skyzy and actually agree with both of you.
I think Clarke as a leader has been learning non stop with all the leaders she crossed paths with and they all left their marks on her. But in my opinion Lexa was definitely her biggest influence and the one who made her become a much better leader, the kind of leader she is now.
Lexa was the one who made her, above all things, understand how to see beyond the obvious (like a betrayal) and not to always act on it... But to have the capacity of comprehending what motivated it, go around it and do things differently to achieve a bigger purpose. Shortly, to not be impulsive.
Look if you want to make some sort of discussion about your opinions on Clarke, Jasper, Bellamy and Monty on the Genocide of Mount Weather that you think was no less crazy than Jasper killing Cage go on ahead because all you've said doesnt have anything to do with this episode but you ask why I was satisfied that Jasper hated Clarke and pointed her mistakes well I already answer that. Just because you believe that Clarke, Bellamy, and Monty made the best choice doesn't mean it was.
I don't want to make any kind of discussion about my opinions on that, i just commented what you said. I'm sorry if my opinion bothered you, wasn't my intention.
Anyway i'll have to disagree with you again, it actually is related to this episode and all the episodes before since the beginning of season 3, because Jasper can't seem to let it go or at least shut up about it and stop being a jerk (only to Clarke and sometimes Monty) about it. So he keeps bringing that up, and in this episode in particular, he insisted again in how Clarke stopped his brilliant plan and killed everyone like she was a crazy person and did it just for fun... He confused her with Bellamy apparently.
Yes I do everyone thinks Clarke made the best choice but time after time when Clarke was in charge she made horrible decisions Clarke but to be fair I think Bellamy deserves as much hate Jasper was giving to Clarke which I found odd that tension was never there even in the beginning.
I'm sorry but a gotta ask this... ALIE is that you?!
Yes Clarke made some horrible decisions more than once when she was in charge, because she was in horrible, impossible situations. Someone had to make them and she was capable of doing it, that's what a true and good leader does, 'cause things aren't always simple and nice, even less at war.
So you think Clarke and everyone should have just stood there, while they were clearly out of time, waiting and praying for useless Jasper to play the hero with his rdiculous plan of killing Cage? How again would that help or solve anything?
Most important, how the hell were Clarke, Bellamy and Monty supposed to know about Jasper's stupid plan and if he would even succeed and in time to save every Sky people that were about to be killed and tortured in two different places?
Everyone thinks Clarke made the best choice because she in fact did. It was her best and only choice, there were no better options at that point.
About the part of Bellamy deserving the same hate from Jasper, there i fully agree with you.
I'm sorry but did you really get any kind of satisfaction from Jasper being completely ridiculous and a non-stop annoying jerk to Clarke (who certainly doesn't deserve it) ?!
Looks like they did something right as the wristband was highlighted just enough for its later importance (although I can't believe it took Clarke that long to remember Niylah had it). I'm adding that to the acid sap/acid fog list of "nice continuity." Too bad that list isn't longer this season.
It didn't take her very long to remember it, when they first talked about the wristbands she was thinking about the chip, if it was the same, so she asked. Right after Raven ran outside, so they went after her, and when they caught her Clarke immediately said she knew where to get one.
The stations were already built and they were already in space (which is how they witnessed the end of the world). They joined together over two years and then blew Polaris up when Polaris didn't follow their orders to join, presumably using them as a warning for other stations that had yet to join the Ark.
Polaris definitely was already in space and that's indeed how they witnessed the end of the world, but they never showed that the other 12 stations were already there too, did they? The other 12 stations were only shown in the other scene, supposedly two years later, when they were going to join, right?
Anyway even if they were already built and already in space, why were they there to begin with? Everything was just fine on earth, they didn't know about the apocalypse that was about to happen, so why were so many people already living in space and from all those different nations?
Probably you'll say it's just another plot hole, but i have this question that came to me one of these days... So back in episode 7, we saw the 12 stations and that they exploded the 13th station Polaris.
My question is, why / how did they build and have the stations and took all those people there to begin with, if they didn't know the world was about to end?
Were the stations built after the apocalypse and the people they took there were the ones that survived in bunkers or something like that?
It's just easier for Jasper to blame Clarke and Monty for Maya's death, than dealing with the pain of knowing that her death was an unfortunate but necessary collateral damage and nobody's direct fault. Like she said right before dying, none of them were innocent.
The most annoying thing for me is to just keep seeing him bullying Clarke and Monty for everything (and they letting him do it), but not Bellamy, who apparently has some kind of free pass... I guess it must be some kind of jerk's code, they protect and support themselves.
Oh and of course, almost forgot, him insisting on his ridiculous delusional theory, that he was just about to save everyone with his brilliant plan of killing Cage when Clarke pulled that lever, like that would solve the whole problem... I can't decide if that makes me even more annoyed or if it makes me to just feel sorry for him, desperately insisting and believing in this absurd theory that he was about to be a hero and to save everyone, specially his girlfriend. Who afterwards would have to live restrained in the 5th floor, 'cause she couldn't survive radiation unless she had a bone marrow transplant.
I totally agree with you. I'm still waiting to see her just losing it, she definitely earned that right, or at least to grieve properly like you said. It's not only the realistic thing to happen at this point, but it would also be an interesting side of her character to see for a change, after all even though she's the great Wanheda she's still human, and we all have a breaking point.