wow ! what a great moniker you've given there 👏👏👏 💯💯💯 📣📣📣 :) :) :) so original!! u should consider trademarking it...count me in as Impressed 🙋🙋🙋 i mean like it must be nice to be so represented on television that it doesn't matter to you when other people's (scarce, barely-there, 90% dead) rep are killed off without a second thought :) :) :) it must be nice to be so secure in your position in society that you blatantly ignore and turn a deaf ear to the very real concerns a marginalized community expressed over a poorly executed death :) :) :) it must be nice to be so confident in urself that u continue to support a show that isnt even trying to cover up its blatant racism anymore :) :) :) it must be so nice to Stand Your Ground behind straight white men who believe that the only thing to be learned over the fallout of lexa's and lincoln's deaths is to "be more careful on social media" like wow i couldn't have drawn a better conclusion myself 10/10 admit these guys into harvard!!! :) :) :)
but maybe someday we'll all know what that feels like right??? 😊😊😊 :) :) :) maybe someday these kinds of concerns won't need to be expressed :) :) :) maybe someday these exact same concerns won't be shot down as meaningless drivel coming from a 'social media bully squad' :) :) :)
but today is not that are Totally 100% Right...we minorities Just Gotta Wait Our Turn!! We Gotta Be Patient So The Majority™ Doesn't Feel Like They're Being Threatened!!! :) :) :) god forbid that happen :) :) :)
@myheart: i don't think et getting hacked had anything to do with the show particularly...? ok. the show did lexa horribly (and is, frankly, still doing itself horribly but w/e) but i'd think that lexa's what put adc on the map. and the fallout that happened after lexa's death could go both ways: on the "positive" side, consider how widely it was reported on - and in quite a few large media outlets at that. that being said, jr basically pointed fingers at amc and blamed them for lexa's death - which is just a pile of bullshit, considering how literally a week before his tune was like "amc was rly good at negotiating!!!" - so like.....................................
@redlion oh yes, definitely abt people still being broken. that's why i said the timing is terrible. and yes, i have :)
adc's doing copenhagen for ftwd though, i think. i mean, obviously, there are going to be t100/lexa fans there too, but if et/lindsey/marie were to go, i'd assume it'd be for t100? which ruins the point a bit... ^^"
no idea, no idea, that's all there is to it.
ehhh i wouldn't say cruel. actors/actresses don't owe a responsibility to their fans over their work and fandom shouldn't believe they're entitled to that, either. that being said, it's just...disappointing. the timing, in particular, is terrible. her appearing with et - which is something that's never happened - would've given lots of people closure.
apparently she's got a new gig ;/ it's disappointing (and i feel really, really disappointed for the fans esp. those who are literally flying in from other countries) but she's got a
i call out your speculative comments because that's exactly what they are. i've explained why they're speculative. you are not listening to the aforementioned explanation. that's fine, but don't turn that around on me just for pointing out how your points are speculative to try to discredit that just by saying so. and by the way, i have mentioned that your points are "speculative" a total of 2 times in all my responses prior to this one, so no, i'm really not using that word very "liberally."
ewklfasdfhda oh my god. first of all, the grounders have technology. technology does not equate guns and shiny chrome metal and control systems. second of all, the society section of the page already provides an explanation on how the grounders live. you really don't need to add "low-tech" or "medieval" or "primeval" or what have you to it.
"The lead is the summary of the article, if some details is only mentioned in the lead then we are doing it wrong. Also I am mainly stating that at that time there was 12 clans, we don't know if that was the case in the last 97 years."
i know what a lead is, thank you. a lead is supposed to be a brief summary/overview of a page. if you're including 239587298 different tiny details in a lead, that kind of ruins the point of an overview.
"Ok how would you phrase that sentence."
i would leave it as is because it very clearly states "97 years before" or whatever it was. that's why i brought up the "97 years" in the first place. because it's already on the page.
"I hate the "before Season 1" verity because it links to irrelevant info."
i don't know what you mean by that, but perhaps the timeline page is more in line with what you perceive to be ~relevant~.
skyzy agreed with what, exactly??? all i see is her refuting all your points.
I agree, which is why I state that it is in ".eastern United States of America".
fantastic; it's already on the page.
and why is this info relevant. half of it is speculation. half of it is fluff. all of it is biased. consider reading, or at the very least, skimming, a wikipedia article on neutral point of view. you're rewording a concise summary already present into something unnecessarily wordy, for one. the fact that grounders are divided in 12 clans is already mentioned in the article lead. furthermore, i pulled "descendants of radiation-tolerant humans and doomsday preppers who survived the nuclear apocalypse 97 years ago" from the history section, and hardly the article lead. "offer a better time-frame" is literally "97 years ago." the story proper of the 100 takes place in 2149 - 2150. you can find that elsewhere. "location" is subjective as well. all we know is that the grounder clans are located in the eastern u.s.
for that matter, why are you still using "primitive." why. refer to my previous responses on this topic. the connotation behind that word usage has been explained multiple. times. can't you think of something else that's not "primitive" or "medieval." again, i point to neutral pov. do you really need my suggestion on that.
...what i find extremely frustrating is why you are so insistent on this. "warriors who believe in blood must have blood and dispose of their deformed kids" is not the only thing on there, and far from it. i don't even think the former is alluded to, and in any case, it was crass.
i literally just looked through the entire grounder page and i really, really, really don't understand why you want to make most of these changes. it's fine. it's fine without talking about how they're a """pre-industrial society""" or whatever. azgeda does seem hostile to trikru, yes - in the context of the show we are given. you want to make sections on technology and medicine, sure, that's cool, but again, why do you continue to insist on phrasing it in such a way that is non-neutral and, quite frankly, deprecatory? you want my suggestion? this is it: you could take pointers from passages present on the grounder page itself (e.g. the third paragraph under the header society) and format it after them, which are told in a fairly non-biased way. you could simply discuss, in clear terms, the medicines that have been show (e.g. lincoln's vials ?? from s1) without saying they're "primitive," can't you? you can talk about, hell, i don't know, how they use wrappings for bandages or whatever. you can go trawling through the episodes finding stuff, but anything like that is better than spewing totally speculative drivel like "healers are really rare and valued in grounder society," which we do not know to be the truth. where was it explicitly stated that "healers are rare and valued"? nowhere. that is mainly unsupported conjecture and thus has no place on a wiki page.
how do you even intend on elaborating on the four paragraphs detailing general grounder society, anyway? "where they came from"? they're "descendants of radiation-tolerant humans and doomsday preppers who survived the nuclear apocalypse 97 years ago." boom. "all the complexities we have observed?" what do you mean by that? e.g. polis? polis has its own page, which is admittedly quite lacking currently, and could use work. maybe polis could be listed as the capital city of the grounder clans or something (? pre-part-season3b?), but why add something to the grounder page that is better described fully, with more comprehension, in another?
"No, I think they are "among the villages of the wood clan"
confused here.
?? it was confirmed, it happened yesterday. she was hacked by a (saudi arabian rapper group or something im really not too clear on this part) who apparently has a history of hacking lgbt+ accounts and idk maybe they confused eliza w/ clarke or something. that's what i heard, at least.
eliza probably lost followers bc 1) people who didn't know she got hacked may or may not have just assumed she was posting weird spam for whatever reason and just unfollowed or 2) once you report an account (something i have no doubt many fans did once they noticed eliza's account had been hacked) you unfollow that person immediately.
alycia apparently unfollowed eliza and marie bc the hacker people were saying they would hack her [marie] next. and idk? alycia didn't want to be associated with hacked accounts? did she follow them back yet?
i point back to my previous responses because you keep on insisting on points i have already discussed, at length, in previous responses. and fyi, repeating yours don't make them any more valid, either.
US2051, the Ark and the grounders have industry - thus your statement adds nothing.
my statement was in response to you, once again, calling the grounders a pre-industrial society. i wasn't "suggesting" anything. it's not that deep. Regressed [from 2051] pre-industrial level? case in point.
I said they have Re-create medieval technologies and skills
hereby implying they are a medieval society. it's called connotation.
here and also, lincoln's horn from s1.
That was a quick note, the limited will be replaced with specific examples. Also we know that Anya had a healer, which was killed in bridge incident, and she had to kidnap Clarke because she had no other. We know that Niko is chief's Indra only healer (there are couple more examples), so yeah they are rare among the villages of the wood clan we seen.
9_9 yet "rare and valued members" still remains speculation. you really think the only healers they've shown on the show are statistically representative of the number in their entire society?
it's been a week because i no longer have the time nor the will to check this wiki every single day. please don't try to use the length of time it takes me to respond against me. i do not suggest any alternative wording because i believe the original is perfectly fine, which i have said many times in previous responses. i still don't understand why you're so insistent on changing a finely-worded page to a bunch of speculative drivel.
amazin g,.
i will, once again, redirect you to my previous responses. i will, once again, reiterate that you're still making up stuff that is unsubstantiated. i will, once again, reiterate that these changes really do not need to be made and the wording on the page was fine to begin with.
they do have industry. they are not medieval. where are you getting that they're illiterate from? rewatch "demons" from s3 and u will see clearly in lincoln's sketchbook pages that, yes, there is writing in it. "limited" medical skills...again, in comparison to what? to the sky people or the mountain men? also, we've only ever seen one healer, but that doesn't mean they're "rare." so saying that they're "rare and valued members" is, once again, speculation.
,,, ,,no, thank you. i don't think i will "rattle" on after this.
no i was just wondering what it was but i have since found out that it is a compilation of twitter bios. c'est tres confusion.
jarod joseph dropped out, btw.
oh, ok. that cleared things up a bit (about the setting, at least). the setting of grounder society? earth. -> they live off the earth in a way that may not be able to utilize its resources as far as the skaikru/mountain men have? is that what you're saying? that's true, but that still doesn't mean they don't have an advanced society.
returning to a quasi-medieval way of life.
no. refer to my previous answers.
what were your suggestions btw?
For the same reason you need to clarify what station components the Ark have, because people come to the wiki to find all the info.. whether it so to discuss the show various aspects, RP or whatever..
??? bc it's #confirmed info that the grounders are in such a """diminished""" state compared to everyone else that they deserve to have a Special Mention of that aforementioned """diminished""" state on their page? if so, then allow me to redirect you back to my first post on this, where i explained just a few of the reasons why the grounders shouldn't be called a """diminished""" society, especially comparatively with the other groups on this show.
I don't believe that "groups with a primitive age lifestyle" == primitives. If I go into the wilderness to live like in 'an early stage in historical development', that going to give me a rash, not make me a primitive.
...ok...??? you are proving my point but ok???
or way to describe the Grounders much reduced state from 2051 in pretty much every way except their social norms.
ok but literally why does this need to even be said. the grounders are not primitive, nor should any synonym of the word be applied. again, the sky people, by your definition, are also living in a "much reduced state from 2051." why do you need to clarify that grounders are living in a "much reduced state from 2051"??? they're living on earth after a nuclear apocalypse.............
>it's impressive anyone survived at all.
Indeed it is but we aren't here to make judgments, we here to document the world-building elements as they relate the grounders.
"it's impressive anyone survived at all" was a line that i took from the link that you linked in your previous response.
if you're going to call grounders primitive, you might as well call the ancient egyptians and ancient romans primitive while you're at it. hell, you might as well call the sky people primitive too.
here are the relevant definitions of primitive from google dot com:
relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.
the grounders are very clearly not in an "early stage ... [of] historical development of something."
the coalition. they're pretty damn organized. they have a hierarchy. they have a system of trade and commerce exchanging between, presumably, the clans (more later). in polis, we saw trade and bartering and a thriving city with commerce. (before the *ahem* sky people ruined it, like they do everything...) they traveled fairly long distances between villages and territories, which indicates that they have a form of reliable transportation that is able to take them places rain or shine. they are capable of farming and cooking their own food (re: polis market). they have villages all over the place. they aren't hunter-gatherers. they aren't nomadic. they're basically an agricultural society. i could rattle off a bunch of other stuff but for the sake of both you and me i won't.
a person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture.
the grounders are literate and, again, have shown they have "trade and manufacture" and "general business activity." by almost all angles of the word, they have industry. industry is not just stainless steel and smokestacks and factories and pretty blinking freaking lights. you're gonna call the grounders "nonindustrial," you can go ahead and call your beloved sky people "nonindustrial" too. they're on the ground and they're farming their way through things (or, at least, trying to...) and, ugh i dont freaking know, making new clothes with thread and needles bc frankly i doubt that any potential sewing machines they had survived that crash. medical tech, nyko is a healer. they have medical technology. is it necessarily as advanced as the sky people's? no. does that say anything about their level of ~~primitiveness~~? no. they survived this long, their healing has got to have some effectiveness.
what does that link have to do with anything. yes, their social institutions were overturned from pre-2050 and they had to live in fear of mortal danger. it's impressive anyone survived at all. (they still survived, though, and built a thriving society out of it, which bolsters my point further.) um. blah blah blah generation blah blah still waiting for the punchline.
i think it was mentioned on the other thread the connotations behind using the word primitive as well. read this.
???? im not referring to that as a wiki page name. im assuming we were talking about the title for a conflict, as clearly referenced in former posts. isn't the conflict itself being called "War Against ALIE"? that's a name of a war, and thus, a proper noun/title attached to an event. therefore, all the words in it (unless mentioned otherwise in my other post) should be capitalized.
nuclear power plants just? dying? they would've begun to die ages ago when their cooling systems first malfunctioned @ the advent of the nuclear bombing, if they didn't blow up already.