1 Vote in Poll
1 Vote in Poll
I just recently watched the 100 , though i know it from a long time ago , i guess there is a time for everything
I am in season 3 now , things change so fast , everything changes , the storyline of the 100 is just a parallel universe for us , you can connect to the cast , you can choose to quit exsistance and travel somewhere else , more than that , you may find what attracts your heart too much , i was attracted to clarke too much , then i began to like and want clarke&finn , i was too pissed off when finn died , lacking knowledge of what might come next , i completly absouletly fell in love for clarke&lexa , i already know that lexa will die , it was always meant , just like everything else
, nothing stays as it is , yet , it is enough for one saying " i love you" and the other saying " i will never leave you" , this memory will forever remain to exsist , more powerful than anything else , who is connected enough , can live on that memory
For me, the best ship ever remains Clexa. Such a complicated but so obvious love in Heda's eyes.
Then when clarke realises she feels the same, and the two don't know about the reciprocated feeling .. and all this they find out in the best way: with that beautiful kiss in Episode 7 Season 3
170 Votes in Poll
Clexa it still sucks You little s***
I love both lexa and clarke but theyre relationship is so overhyped. it was very fast and didnt seem genuine. it was a sort of i love you because of i hate you type of relationship, or the other way around. its basically falling for your enemy. i definitely ship clarke and bellamy . they loved each other so much, until season 7 obv.
Is there anyone who still have a copy of this beautiful tribute video of Clexa.
Am trying my best to find it but seems no luck.
The Video was deleted already in youtube. T.T
152 Votes in Poll
Is it just me or would of anyone else loved to see Lexa and Clark raising Madi, I ship Clexa so much and seeing them with Madi would of been so cute.
Ok there is one thing I cant understand...why are most people shipping clarke and lexa? Why not clarke and bellamy ? I mean bellamy has obviously been in love with clarke far longer then lexa And he knows way more about clarke he has known her for like 9 or 10 months and lexa has only known clarke for 29 days and half of them, they werent even together ,Bellamy obviously cares a lot about clarke and lexa does too ..idk who do you ship ? Clexa or Bellarke ?
129 Votes in Poll
This is an official treaty to end the war between the Bellarke shippers and the Clexa shippers respectively.
As I sign this treaty I agree to
Not declare fans of the opposite ship "in denial" or "in need of mental help" or anything of that nature because of who their preferred ship is.
Not pass my preferred ship as being a fact of being superior or anything more than a preference.
Avoid assuming one's preferred ship because of their distaste for the opposite ship.
This treaty is to end the war, however, fans of the show are more than within treaty regulations to engage in conversations on why they are or not a member of their ship's fandom.
To sign, please type your username in the comments
99 Votes in Poll
98 Votes in Poll
Everyone had harsh times trying to cope with deaths. Raven-when Finn died she didn't know how to feel he was her home and always there for her when nobody else was, but she did find a way to settle with his death. Jasper-Mayas death was the worst thing for him. They were soulmates but when Clarke killed Maya Jasper broke in a way I didn't think was possible. He was so depressed he didn't think he deserved to live anymore so he killed himself while he was still filled with depression and regret. Clarke-Clarke handles Lexas death well. (meaning she didn't drive herself in ways that Jasper did) Lexas death was still hard for Clarke but, she settled with it. Lastly, Octavia-When Lincoln died Octavia focused on only one thing (killing pike) witch wasn't the best ideal for her at the moment. Her darkness was born when she killed Pike. She was trying her best to find ways to leave the darkness before she lost her way, but she believed that's where she belonged. She started to loose her way into darkness after the cannibal situation, (witch wasn't ever her fault but Abbys) and when she lost her way she was stuck for a while and couldn't find her way back. Darkness was the way Octavia coped with Lincolns death. (sadly)
82 Votes in Poll
Please explain how Clexa Int the better ship in the comments. I don't understand but I want to. (I am a clexa shipper)
183 Votes in Poll