133 Votes in Poll
133 Votes in Poll
I just recently watched the 100 , though i know it from a long time ago , i guess there is a time for everything
I am in season 3 now , things change so fast , everything changes , the storyline of the 100 is just a parallel universe for us , you can connect to the cast , you can choose to quit exsistance and travel somewhere else , more than that , you may find what attracts your heart too much , i was attracted to clarke too much , then i began to like and want clarke&finn , i was too pissed off when finn died , lacking knowledge of what might come next , i completly absouletly fell in love for clarke&lexa , i already know that lexa will die , it was always meant , just like everything else
, nothing stays as it is , yet , it is enough for one saying " i love you" and the other saying " i will never leave you" , this memory will forever remain to exsist , more powerful than anything else , who is connected enough , can live on that memory
For me, the best ship ever remains Clexa. Such a complicated but so obvious love in Heda's eyes.
Then when clarke realises she feels the same, and the two don't know about the reciprocated feeling .. and all this they find out in the best way: with that beautiful kiss in Episode 7 Season 3
126 Votes in Poll
115 Votes in Poll
I honestly think it’s so weird/cool how well actors like Eliza, Bob, Ricky and Alycia can hide (or well, change) their accents into American and Grounder. Like Wow
81 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll