How The 100 will look now if Lexa survived Season 3 and how the stories of seasons four,five,six and seven and even three will be affected?
How The 100 will look now if Lexa survived Season 3 and how the stories of seasons four,five,six and seven and even three will be affected?
You never said it was fanfic but okay. If it’s fanfic fine. But in my opinion either way Lexa would not take the flame out to let Clarke use. I’m sure they haven’t even seen the flame come out a host unless they’re dead. But fine. Well go with your fanfic
I would never underestimate her lol. She’s a badass. But we have to admit when it comes to tech and stuff she’s definitely on the slower side. I don’t think she would’ve known to follow the infinity signs like Clarke did Or even know what Becca meant by the power plants breaking down. But hey we all have our opinions.
@YuGonpleiSteOdon22 exactly everyone has is opinion !
@YuGonpleiSteOdon22 you don't need to have an opinion to know that Lexa would have known all about ALIE at that time. Like I said, Clarke and her friends would share everything they know with Lexa since she's the one going into the city of light. She would recognize the signs because it's the same sign that's on the flame and on the key to the city of light. Plus she has the spirit of the commanders to guide her.
Lexa has to die if she survived the story would be completely different, I mean do you really picture Lexa travelling through space for 100 years and then jumping from planet to planet.
@Bradleypa i think you don't think you know what means a What If...?
@SpinCraft7 , yeah I know , but imagining Lexa jumping from planet to planet and travelling through space still seems stupid
Yeah i agree but i don't know he would be stupid but awesome
If Lexa survived the bullet that was supposed to kill her, she would probably die in season 5.
Would not all those like Lexa Luna madi and Aeden and the other night blood kids would be alive
What do you think?