Alright guys. Huge reveals this episode, a lot of information about the history of both the Sky People and the Grounders. Let's discuss episode 3x07 "Thirteen"
Alright guys. Huge reveals this episode, a lot of information about the history of both the Sky People and the Grounders. Let's discuss episode 3x07 "Thirteen"
1. How did Becca not die from radiation when she landed on earth? Where they in space that long that she already became immune to it.
2. The thing that came out of Lexa's neck, it at first looks like the same thing that Raven and Thelonius ate. But the thing is, why did Lexa never see A.L.I.E., theirs no evidence that she did. My theorey is that the thing that came out of Lexa's neck is A.L.I.E. number 2, the one that Becca took from the space station when she left in the pod. If you notice that when Becca lands on earth, the camera kinda zooms in on the patch 'commander' thats on her suit. 'Commander'... the same thing that the grounders call their leader. I think that Becca put A.L.I.E. number 2 in her, and when she died it somehow move to the next 'commander'. Eventualy geting to Lexa. If this is true it opens up even more theoreys. If we know that the person with A.L.I.E number 2 can't see A.L.I.E, then it means that only people who have the first version can(Raven,Thelonius). But as we know, it was the first version that launched all the nukes, the bad one. For example, why does A.L.I.E ask raven to look on the station for the other version of the code. That seems pretty suspicious. Now this theorey goes down the toilet if Lexa actualy could see A.L.I.E, but there was no indication that she could, which makes me think that she has the one copy of version 2, and all the one's that Thelonius is handing out is version 1, which as we can see is trying to hunt down version 2.
3. Also going back to season 2 because i forgot, how did Thelonius first see A.L.I.E., I don't ever remember him eating a chip.
if you read this article ( ) it explains a lot. The reason Becca doesnt die from radiation - "Her assistant and the Polaris commander didn't see this quite the same way, however, and didn't want to connect Polaris to the Ark with that potentially murderous AI still on board. They wanted it destroyed, but instead, Becca had spent two years injecting herself with gene therapy to help her survive radiation before implanting the AI into her own head and taking off for what was left of Earth." So when we saw Becca injecting herself it was apparently gene therapy to survive radiation.
I wouldn't be surpried if they Dallased the season, though I doubt they will get a renew
MyFightIsOver wrote:
if you read this article ( ) it explains a lot. The reason Becca doesnt die from radiation - "Her assistant and the Polaris commander didn't see this quite the same way, however, and didn't want to connect Polaris to the Ark with that potentially murderous AI still on board. They wanted it destroyed, but instead, Becca had spent two years injecting herself with gene therapy to help her survive radiation before implanting the AI into her own head and taking off for what was left of Earth." So when we saw Becca injecting herself it was apparently gene therapy to survive radiation.
As always - explanation via social media.
The season isn't even finished, maybe the finale will make things up
I really don't think so, especially if Bellamy lives and Clarke and he get together.
Everyone pitching a fit over "Lexa the Lez" being killed off, you're wrong. The actress has a commitment to another show, and that is the main part of why the character was killed off.
They did NOT "kill the lesbian" as you claim. They killed off a well-liked main character. It happens. In writing, it builds up some tension by showing nobody is immune to mortality just because you like the character. It has much more impact when a character you've had time to get to know, for good or bad, dies. Those random side characters dying just don't call up any real feelings for the viewers.
Is that really how you saw Lexa? She was just "a lesbian", and nothing more? Do you reduce Clarke to being "the blonde chick"? Is Monty nothing more than "the oriental kid" to you? I think that's sad. I view the characters as people, as much as the writers develop them. To me, Lexa was a person, "Heda kom Trikru" with all the priveleges and burdens that come with the title. And yes, a lesbian. But not merely a lesbian, as it seems many of you see the character as. A person is a lot more than the arbitrary labels you insist on forcing upon them. Her romantic choices are a part of her, and should not be the sole thing used to define her.
That said, it was a rather inglorious death for her. But then, only fools seek glory in death.
They did NOT "kill the lesbian" as you claim. They killed off a well-liked main character. It happens. In writing, it builds up some tension by showing nobody is immune to mortality just because you like the character. It has much more impact when a character you've had time to get to know, for good or bad, dies. Those random side characters dying just don't call up any real feelings for the viewers.
Is that really how you saw Lexa? She was just "a lesbian", and nothing more? Do you reduce Clarke to being "the blonde chick"? Is Monty nothing more than "the oriental kid" to you? I think that's sad. I view the characters as people, as much as the writers develop them. To me, Lexa was a person, "Heda kom Trikru" with all the priveleges and burdens that come with the title. And yes, a lesbian. But not merely a lesbian, as it seems many of you see the character as. A person is a lot more than the arbitrary labels you insist on forcing upon them. Her romantic choices are a part of her, and should not be the sole thing used to define her.
That said, it was a rather inglorious death for her. But then, only fools seek glory in death.
I think, the issue is that this seems to be a common theme in american media, rarely do we see LBTG relationships in a postive light. we have come far, but still have a ways to go. That said has everyone forgeton that Clarke is Bi? Because Lexa has died, Makes her no less Bisexual. Who knows maybe Clarke will have another relationship with a woman, like maybe Luna ;). There is a lot wrong with this season, so we will have to see.
Yeah, like Skyzy is even getting in my nerves, and yeah, Alycia Debnam-Carey is starring in another show called Fear The Walking Dead which I watch, and production for this upcoming season began in December in Mexico, which is miles away from Canada, so it makes sense and I also think JR made a brave choice, it was risky, but brave, and yeah, just because Lexa happened to be gay doesn't mean the shows homophobic, so people should calm down about it
I think, the issue is that this seems to be a common theme in american media, rarely do we see LBTG relationships in a postive light.
Maybe that is because people, the makers of the shows as well as the viewers, are reducing them down to nothing more than their sexuality. When you start to see the characters as people, regardless of sexuality, the potential for improvement will finally become real.
I am a bit curious now, what are these shows you watch that apparently are so negative about the LGBT relationships.