Preview clip of Lexa vs Roan
WTF!!!! I have no words. Oh my God.
Preview clip of Lexa vs Roan
WTF!!!! I have no words. Oh my God.
I'm thinking that Lincoln will die trying to defend against Farm station and that is why Octavia says that Bellamy is dead to her in the trailer. I honestly hate the farm station people especially Pike and Monty's stupid mother. I hope the grounders kill them all. Bellamy is being an idiot it's not like he even knew that GIna girl that long anyway why is he suddenly completely changing his entire stance. The only sky people I hope survive right now are Raven, Monty, Octavia, Abby and Kane. Maybe Bellamy if he starts acting heroic again. Jasper is a lost cause honestly. The rest of them can be killed off.
In the trailer, right before the shot of jasper attacking the guy on the piano, Linocln is seen fighting tons of Ark Guards, maybe Pike sees him as a threat.....
In the Season 3 trailer, when they lock Kane up, you can also see Lincoln (and Sinclair) already locked up so that's probably what happens to him after fighting those guards. My guess is he gets fridged around episode 10-13 (Ricky Whittle disappeared from filming around Thanksgiving time and threw a party for the crew).
What scares me about this episode is that all the writers were raving about it and just going on and on about how awesome it was going to be but literally the only part I enjoyed was the Roan/Lexa fight scene and everything else was paced so poorly (and don't get me started on what the hell they are doing with Bellamy or I'll never stop talking) and overall just pissed me off. If they think this was a kickass episode, I hate to see the rest of the season.
Pike and the rest of Farm station seem very mercenary for a bunch farmers that have been on the surface for what, 5-6 months? And how do they expect to beat the sheer numbers of the grounders? They have gone from ~63 to ~25 in an episode. Even if they get the rest of Arkadia to join in, they are still vastly outnumbered and their technology isn't gonna be the difference, especially once they run out of bullets.
Mysteries of Life (talk) 21:47, February 15, 2016 (UTC)
I was very disappointed by the fight scene in this episode - all I can think is that there was some plotting off screen with regards to how the fight would ultimately pan out, i.e. that Lexa would *beat* Roan and the Ice Queen would feel the sharp end of a spear thus crowning Roan King and restoring Lexa's *strength* in the eyes of the grounder nations. I just do not believe for one hot second that Lexa could convincingly beat Roan in combat. Not because she's a girl, but because we had seen him in action and during this fight he just looked like he was going through the motions, hardly any effort whatsoever from what I could see. I don't know maybe Bruce Lee set the bar too high for me!!!
I do think it's plausible that Lexa might have beaten Roan. She's been training to be the Commander since she was younger than Aden so is most likely more skilled and experienced than Roan.
I agree with you, however, that it feels like there is a missing conversation somewhere between Clarke and Lexa and/or Lexa and Roan.
thank god, i thought that i was the only one who suspected something was going on.
not knowin what yet, i do believe that there is a plot yet to be known, see:
1)clexa knife scene, after lexa wanted to leave, clarke stopped her and said she had a better plan, but in the next scene, with abby and kane, she only talks about lexas plan, so there is that...
2) in the end of ep3, titus says to lexa that he hopes she knows what she is doing.
3) roan basicly defeated lexa, and then let her beat him, remember when she was down and he could have killed her, and in the end he told her to get it over with.
4) and of course, THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, and i do mean that some unseen, offscreen plot is the only way to explain this one, clarke bowing to lexa.
JR told the fans that he is a fan of GoT, so with that in mind, i believe that there will be some big secret discovered...
any thoughts?
The bigger the hype, the bigger the disappointment.
Mysteries of Life (talk) 21:47, February 15, 2016 (UTC)
Mercenary? You do realize mercenaries fight for pay, rather than any sense of believing in "the cause", don't you? The loyalty of a mercenary is only to the paycheck.