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This is a tinder box.
One shot, and we'll be at war.

Für meine Mutter ist die 5. Folge der vierten Staffel und insgesamt die 50. Folge der Serie The 100. Das Drehbuch schrieb Morgan Gendel und John F. Showalter führte Regie. Die Erstausstrahlung in den USA war am 01.März 2017. Ein Termin für den deutschsprachigen Raum steht noch nicht fest.

Clarke Griffin wendet sich mit einer verzweifelte Bitte an eine ehemalige verbündete Macht, um einen Krieg zu vermeiden und das Überleben ihres Volkes zu gewährleisten.


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Roan: "It is a trap. We're already in it."
Riley: "I have a clear shot on the King.
Monty: "This is a tinder box. One shot, and we'll be at war. If you do this, it will be a massacre."
Monty: "Or he's heading to that cave to execute the King of the people that made him a slave."
Harper: "Wait. You'll never make it past that army. What are you doing?"
Monty: "Stopping a war."
Roan: "You grieve for Lexa, yet you've learned nothing from her. She was Trikru, but she rose above loyalty to clan. You tell yourself you have, too – the great Wanheda, the Commander of Death who says she wants to save everyone yet builds a ship for herself, for her people."
Clarke: "We have more bullets than you have men. You'll lose."
Roan: "Maybe. We'll both take losses, Kane and Bellamy among them."
Clarke: "You think you can shake my resolve? I was willing to sacrifice my own mother to stop A.L.I.E."
Roan: "And I was willing to sacrifice mine to help you. Ain't we a pair?"
Raven: "So, what, I survive long enough for everyone else to die? I can't do that Abby. Even if it costs me my life... you have to let me go."
Bellamy: "Trust me when I tell you, if this turns into a massacre, it will never get out of your head. War made me a murderer. Don't let it happen to you."




  • Ab dieser Folge hat sich das Intro um eine Bild erweitert, Beccas Labor.

Tode in dieser Folge[]

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