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The 100 Wiki

Deus Ex Machina (2) ist die 16. Folge der drittel Staffel und insgesamt die 45. Folge von The 100. Das Drehbuch schrieb Jason Rothenberg und Dean White führte Regie.

Die Erstausstrahlung in den USA war am 19. Mai 2016. In Deutschland war die Episode am 14. September 2016 zum ersten Mal zu sehen.

Clarke muss in die Stadt des Lichts um A.L.I.E. aufzuhalten. In der Stadt angekommen bekommt sie unerwartete Hilfe. A.L.I.E. offenbart ihr eine Wahrheit, die ihre Entscheidung jedoch ändern könnte.Währenddessen müssen die Anderen gegen ihre Freunde kämpfen um zu überleben.


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In Polis benutzt Clarke das EMP-Gerät um bei Abigail den Chip zu entfernen. Bellamy erschießt Abby fast, Clarke kann ihn jedoch aufhalten und sagt ihm, dass sie den Chip entfernt hat. Murphy erklärt, dass sie es eigentlich bei Ontari einsetzten wollten, doch Ontari ist nach dem Schlag durch Jaha Hirntot und keine Option mehr. Clarke fragt Abigail ob sie bei ihr eine Bluttransfusion machen können, wie es die Mountain Men gemacht haben, doch Abby hält dies für zu gefährlich. Clarke sagt ihrer Mutter, dass sie es tun muss.

Währenddessen erklimmt Kane mit unzähligen Groundern den Turm indem sich die Anderen befinden.





Szene Titel Artist Album Kaufen
Clarke erklärt ihrer Mutter das sie selbst einen Chip nehmen muss The Flame Will Protect Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes
Clarke betritt die Stadt des Lichts Raven’s Path Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes
Lexa erscheint um Clarke zu retten; Lexa sagt zu Clarke, dass sie immer bei ihr sein wird I Will Always Be with You Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes
A.L.I.E. 1.0, Bekka und Clarke in der Zitadelle The Program That Ended the World Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes
Bekka fragt A.L.I.E. nach der Bedeutung von "Perverse Instantiation"; Zwischenszenen von Pike, Bellamy, Abby, Octavia, Nathan und Bryan gegen die Grounder Perverse Instantiation Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes
Alle Menschen bekommen ihre Erinnerungen zurück; Jasper und Monty sind wieder vereint; Clarke sagt zu Bellamy das sie die Welt nicht gerettet hat; Octavia ersticht Pike The Awakening Tree Adams The 100: Original Television Soundtrack (Season 3) iTunes


Clarke: "Jasper, what are you doing here?"
Jasper: "Trying to stop you. You've seen the City of Light now. It's perfect. There's peace, happiness, safety. Why would you want to deny that to anyone?"
Clarke: "She's torturing people to get them here, Jasper, taking their memories, controlling them. This isn't even you. This is A.L.I.E."
Jasper: "She's doing what has to be done."
Clarke: "She took away our choice. Human beings have free will. We get to decide how we should live."
Jasper: "Human beings are the only species that act against their own self-interest. We torture each other. We fight, hurt each other, break each other's hearts. None of that exists here. A.L.I.E. is protecting us from ourselves."
Abigail: "If your mind dies, you die."
Clarke: "The Flame will protect me. I don't know how I know. I just... know."
Bellamy: "I believe you."
Abigail: "Do you even know what you're looking for?"
Clarke: "I'll know when I find it."
Abigail: "May we meet again."
Clarke: "We will."
Bellamy: "We'll keep you safe."
Pike: "If we're gonna survive this, we'll need to stand together."
Octavia: "Now you say that."
Monty: "What happen when A.L.I.E is updated?"
Raven: "She'll delete the kill switch. We won't be able to stop her."
Harper: "So, find the damn kill switch."
Bellamy (zu Octavia): "O.? O., listen to me. I know how you feel. I let my need for revenge put me on the wrong side. I don't want that for you."
Pike: "Wasn't the wrong side. If the Grounder army was still there when Lexa died, they would have attacked, and you know it."
Bellamy: "I wanted to see things like you. I needed that, to believe that they were bad and we were good. I don't know what I believe anymore. I just know I have to live with what I've done."
Lexa (zu Clarke): "Our fight is not over."
Clarke: "I never thought I'd see you again."
Lexa: "I told you my spirit would choose wisely."
Lexa: "We can't let them follow. Go. I'll hold them off."
Clarke: "No, Lexa. I love you."
Lexa: "I'll always be with you."
A.L.I.E.: "If you pull that... you will be killing everyone. See for yourself. The nuclear power plants that were destroyed by the bombs have begun to melt down. My drones detected the first of them four months ago. There are more than a dozen at-risk plants around the world, seven currently burning. Global radiation levels are already rising. By my calculations, in less than six months, ninety-six percent of the Earth's surface will be uninhabitable... even for those born in space, so, you see, the City of Light is the only thing that can save you."
Bellamy: "They're unarmed, but they won't feel pain, and they won't stop until they're out cold."
Miller: "Copy that. Go for the knockout."
A.L.I.E.: "The last time I warned my creator of a threat to human survival, she chose to lock me away and came here to work on my replacement."
Becca: "Define 'perverse instantiation.'"
A.L.I.E.: "Perverse instantiation... the implementation of a benign, final goal through deleterious methods unforeseen by a human programmer."
Becca: "Like killing 6.5 billion people to solve overpopulation. The goal isn't everything, A.L.I.E. How you reach the goal matters, too. I'm sorry that I didn't teach you that."
A.L.I.E.: "Would you really condemn the human race to die in 6 months?"
Clarke: "We'll figure something out. We always do."
Becca: "Yes, Clarke. There's still hope."
A.L.I.E.: "According to my calculations, there is not."
Becca: "10 seconds."
A.L.I.E.: "Let me ease their pain, Clarke. We can save the human race together."
Clarke: "You don't ease pain. You overcome it... and we will."
Clarke: "Thank you."
Murphy: "Just another day on the ground, right?"
Monty: "I know this world can suck, but at least it's real. We can get through this together."
Jasper: "You really believe that?"
Monty: "We will be happy again, I promise."
Jasper: "I'm sorry I stabbed you."
Monty: "I'm sorry I shot you."
Jasper: "I didn't feel it."
Clarke: "A.L.I.E.'s gone."
Bellamy: "Yeah. I figured. Clarke, you're not acting like someone who just saved the world."
Clarke: "Because we didn't... Not yet."



  • Eliza Taylor glaubt, dass dies ihre Lieblingsfolge ist.
  • Es wurden zwei mögliche Enden gefilmt.
  • In dieser Episode tötet Abigail Griffin zum ersten Mal jemanden direkt.
  • Der Titel der Folge "Perverse Instantiation" bezeichnet eine Form von "bösartigem Versagen". Fehler die, die Auslöschung der Menschheit zur Folge haben. Dies bezieht sich vor allem auf K.Is, die bestimmte Kommandos/ Befehle nicht wie erwartet erfüllen.
    • Ein Beispiel dafür ist die K.I. A.L.I.E., die als Lösung für die Überbevölkerung eine nukleare Apokalypse auslöste oder zur Beseitigung von Schmerz und Leid, kurzerhand Erinnerungen "löscht".
    • Becca begründet A.L.I.E.s Fehlumsetzung darauf, dass sie nicht verstanden hat, was es bedeutet "Mensch" zu sein.

Tode in dieser Folge

